American lump



Original Poster:

3 posts

236 months

Friday 26th November 2004
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Has any one out there had a look at fitting an american V8 in the cerbera or anything else. I know there is a weight penalty, I was thinking more of phisical problems like height & width. The yank engine would have a sump & being a 90 degree vee as apposed to 75 degree would take up more width in the already tight engine bay. I was thinking on the lines of a tuned fuel injected 350/380 small block chevy.


Original Poster:

3 posts

236 months

Tuesday 30th November 2004
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Thanks for all your replies; “SXS” said you would have more money than sense to swap the AJP8 for an LS1 engine. Owning a TVR isn’t probably the most sensible choice for a car and as for money you can just keep spending it; they can be like a bottomless pit. But you don’t buy a TVR because it makes sense you buy one because you just want one, your head says No but your heart says Yes. No one on this forum wants a screaming 2 litre turbo charged, intercooled ugly foreign chav mobile. What I don’t want is to have to rebuild an engine every 12000 miles or so again and again. What I do want is a great and cool looking car (Cerbera), an engine that I can start hot or cold, drive with confidence, doesn’t sound like a bag of spanners on tick over (cold), it must bursts your eardrums on any opening throttle and rumbles enough to vibrate old folks teeth and scare small children.
I have full machine shop, fabrication & design facilities and have transplanted engines in the past (rover V8’s).I found the end products to be more reliable than you can imagine, no weekend tinkering just put the fuel in and drive. So to stop me contacting “boosted” can anyone guarantee an AJP8 engine to run for 20000 miles without a rebuild? Let me know and I will forget all about this, some might say, expensive idea.