I passed!



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271 months

Saturday 15th October 2005
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Woohoo! RoSPA Silver pass for me!


Original Poster:

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271 months

Saturday 15th October 2005
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I had along drive beforehand so was limbered up, so to speak! I also had an idea where we might go, so practised some of that route, but I was unfortunately very wrong!

Managed to do 60 in a 40 limit within the first 3 minutes (hadn't seen the sign) which was a bit of a distraction for the rest of the drive! He said we all make mistakes, and that he would look on that as my one and only life, which was fair enough to me!

Only other mistake was not hugging the leftmost side of the road on right hand bends. He asked me about the system after I'd done it a couple of times, then asked me to do a commentary during some more bends, just to give me a chance. I explained the theory well, but didn't do it properly!

He also evidently laid on a few props, as we had to overtake a horse in a dodgy road, and allow a fire engine to pass in th emiddle of a junction!

All in all I was pleased, and it was actually very enjoyable. We chatted throughout, which usually ruins my concentration (I stopped chatting in complex situations) but it relaxed me a lot.

You doing/done the test Kinky?


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1,436 posts

271 months

Monday 17th October 2005
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Hi Woody. Apart from an hour or so drive once or twice a week for the last few weeks, my final preparation was to read the Highway Code (first time in a few years!) and yet another flick through Roadcraft. Then, on the day, I drove to the meeting place (out of town superstore car park) a couple of hours early, and went out for a drive strictly to test conditions. I returned to the meeting place, and did the same again in a different direction. Quick toilet visit at the shop (!) then hovered by my car for 15 minutes fresh air waiting for the examiner.

Seemed to do the trick for me! Good luck in yours, whenever it is.


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271 months

Tuesday 18th October 2005
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I went out with an instructor for a few weeks. Before I started with the instructor I was very confident that I could pass the test, however after the first couple of outings it was clear I wouldn't! That's not to say that I didn't drive safely and within the law, but RoSPA teaches what they call the "System of Car Control" and it's this "System" that needs to be adhered to. All outlined in the handbook 'Roadcraft' so if you don't have a copy, you would do well to get one.

>> Edited by tobeee on Tuesday 18th October 12:31


Original Poster:

1,436 posts

271 months

Tuesday 18th October 2005
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I can understand your concerns in that respect. You feel that, if they know you've not used an instructor, they might score you more critically than if you'd come to them through the 'accepted' route.

As it happens my examiner didn't seem to know my background, didn't know my instructor, and I'm not sure he was too fussed. I reckon they're professional enough to mark you according to your ability to drive safely alone, though hopefully someone in the know will wonder by here soon...