Second exit: How would you approach this roundabout??

Second exit: How would you approach this roundabout??

Poll: Second exit: How would you approach this roundabout??

Total Members Polled: 28

Left lane, no indication : 54%
Left lane indicating left: 7%
Left lane indicating right: 0%
Right lane, no indication : 18%
Right lane indicating left: 0%
Right lane indicating right: 4%
Something else...: 18%


Original Poster:

53,289 posts

258 months

Tuesday 21st May
quotequote all
As the poll says, heading for Corfe Castle on the Wareham bypass if it's moderately busy so no late brake, dab of oppo possibilities. biggrin

Here's the roundabout: A351

What would you do?

ETA bear in mind the is the approach. I assume people would indicate left after the first exit whatever else they did.

(Mainly asking as I was behind someone who indicated right, took the right hand lane on entry and then when I'd decided he was actually turning right to the 3rd exit took the 2nd without indicating left, cutting me up in the process.)

It's also weird how many people do this roundabout indicating right from the right hand lane then turn right at the next roundabout from the left lane with no indication. confused

Edited by Bill on Tuesday 21st May 19:56


Original Poster:

53,289 posts

258 months

Tuesday 21st May
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LunarOne said:
Your poll doesn't have the necessary answer, so here's mine: Either entry lane OK, indicating left only after passing exit 1. Would choose left lane unless there are cars already in left lane indicating left so intending to take first exit.
I was thinking about the approach, and had assumed people would indicate left after the first exit whatever else they did.


Original Poster:

53,289 posts

258 months

Tuesday 21st May
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Super Sonic said:
How did he cut you up if you were behind him?
I was in the left lane and was starting to accelerate, he went from the right lane to the exit without indicating. Cut up might be a bit strong...


Original Poster:

53,289 posts

258 months

Tuesday 21st May
quotequote all
LunarOne said:
Some driving instructors say to indicate right when entering a roundabout if the exit you wish to take is more than 180 degrees round the roundabout from where you are. This may explain what you saw. I disagree with this as I think it's likely to lead to confusion.
Yep, I'm sure that's it. Hence the question. I usually use the left lane but I've seen it often enough to wonder if I'm the one who's wrong.