How do you communicate intention to parallel park?

How do you communicate intention to parallel park?



Original Poster:

2,442 posts

226 months

Thursday 7th March
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I often need to parallel park on a reasonably busy 30mph road.

I indicate early, slow down and pull up in front of the space and engage reverse only to find the vehicle behind has driven tight up behind me! Cue beeping and arm flailing from the driver who clearly has the awareness of a wooden spoon.

To combat this, I've taken to indicating early, slowing down gradually, stopping before the space and effectively forcing the car behind to come to a halt. I then slowly drive forward into position to start reversing. If the car behind doesn't get the hint and edges forward I stop again and repeat until they get the message.

The only other approach I can see involves accelerating to create space behind, before jumping on the brakes, angling the car slightly towards the offside and quickly getting into reverse but that just feels potentially unsafe, not to mention uncomfortable for passengers.

Any thoughts?


Original Poster:

2,442 posts

226 months

Thursday 7th March
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MitchT said:
I've given up trying to reverse parallel park as whoever is behind invariably has all the situational awareness of a block of lard... or they're driving an SUV in which case tailgating is compulsory anyway. Instead I drive in forwards and mount the kerb with my front left wheel before straightening up and dropping back off the kerb. That way I can go in forwards without ending up parked three feet from the kerb edge, while avoiding the inevitable stupidity encountered when trying to reverse in. Not ideal but, in the real world, the only workable solution that I've managed to find.
TBH I've also been doing this when the space allows. Not ideal to bash it up the kerb though but as you say, it's a solution.