Driving Course in Basingstoke: Interest?

Driving Course in Basingstoke: Interest?



Original Poster:

28,377 posts

287 months

Tuesday 6th September 2005
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Just a heads up. Soon I should be able to announce a two evening lecture based driving course done by the Basingstoke IAM group - followed by a morning set of "demonstration" drives.

I will be lecturing - along with a couple of compatriots from the group.

Anyone who would like to come along and get an introduction to "Advanced Driving" IAM style - with no pressure to join (although the offer will be there) - might want to watch the forum for a more detailed announcement.

If I knew a few people were interested it would be much appreciated...

The cost will be nominal: I'll let you know when I know.


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

287 months

Tuesday 6th September 2005
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Kinky said:

I'll be up for it .... assuming I'm in the country.


Very kind of you, mate. You might find its contents a bit similar to things you've already covered recently. It would act as a good refresher, of course.

The course is suitable for the general public. Very expert drivers might find it somewhat basic, to be honest. Existing IAM/RoSPA members would find it familiar. Anyone considering either of those in the near future would find it very useful as an introduction I'd have said...


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

287 months

Tuesday 6th September 2005
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Kinky said:

Can you defect from Group to another?

I'm sure we can arrange some forged papers...


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

287 months

Tuesday 6th September 2005
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j_wk said:

I'm a long time lurker but first post on here so

Definitely interested in coming along.

Hi. Welcome to PH and also to the AD forum. The group committee are having a meet about the course this Wednesday so I hope to be able to post up some details after that.


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

287 months

Tuesday 6th September 2005
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volvos70t5 said:
I might be interested in coming along for a nosey, if only to put faces to names.

Bit of a long way for you, isn't it? Two evenings and a Sunday morning it will be...or are you no longer based in Teeside? (As on your profile...)

On another occasion we should sort out a Pie And Advanced Drive meet...


Original Poster:

28,377 posts

287 months

Wednesday 28th September 2005
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Blimey! I've been out last night and all today...

Thanks, Kinky, my friend! Very kind of you!

Nigel: Have you had a response, yet? If not I will help sort something out...