New driver… what would you tell them?

New driver… what would you tell them?



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241 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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My daughter has just passed her test. She is keen to learn. I am keen for her to stay accident-free!

What thing do you wish someone had told you when you started driving?

I’ve started with
- always be able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear
- only a fool breaks the two second rule
- do not escalate situations by blowing your horn or driving aggressively
- look left toward the kerb when vehicles with bright lights are approaching

Any other pearls of wisdom?


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1,619 posts

241 months

Wednesday 29th November 2023
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Excellent tips, thanks to everyone for taking time to reply. I'll forward the thread to her to read.


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1,619 posts

241 months

Friday 8th December 2023
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Andy86GT said:
Just thought about another thing that can catch out the new (or not so new) driver, flashing headlights.
Either as the giver or receiver, I've seen a few collisions as a result due to misunderstandings.
I've warned her about that. I think she enjoys the cheery interaction with other drivers.

I'm particularly concerned about the 'flash for cash' scammers.

One thing that my daughter has commented on is how distracting and annoying passengers can be... shouting, wanting loud music and fiddling with the stereo, taking flash photos on their phones etc.

Terrifyingly, one of her newly qualified friends apparently films videos and posts to social media whilst driving. Having an app like life360 that can detect and notify phone use is certainly worth considering.


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1,619 posts

241 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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PistonBroker said:
I think my daughter's already learning by observation.

On her 8th lesson yesterday, her instructor complemented her on how calm a driver she is.

She was telling us her friend is only having lessons from her Dad at the moment and I said I thought that was a bad idea - I take my daughter out to practice, but I think you need a proper instructor to teach you and I'd be worried about passing on bad habits.

She agreed perhaps a bit too wholeheartedly and began listing my bad habits of one hand on the wheel, the other on the gearstick, driving too fast . . .
:-) I got called out for not slowing down enough at roundabouts!

I think an instructor is best as they know the nuances that testers look for.

Also well worth getting a lesson or two in the town they are taking the test (a bigger problem than you might expect given availability of tests in your local area) because they know the routes and pitfalls/tricky bits.


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1,619 posts

241 months

Monday 8th January
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Vipers said:

Rule 126. If you have to stop in a tunnel, leave at least a 5 metre gap between you and the vehicle in front.

God knows why!
I'm guessing, but maybe its to prevent fire spreading forwards/backwards in the queue from one vehicle to another.


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1,619 posts

241 months

Monday 22nd January
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Her school has arranged for a visit in a few weeks from some lot to do a presentation on road safety, as driver and passenger. I'll go along too, might learn something :-)


Original Poster:

1,619 posts

241 months

Wednesday 31st January
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Alex_225 said:
Still remember this from my instructor 24 years ago.

"Whoever holds back maintains control". This was in relation to giving way round parked cars etc. Basically meaning if you plough through, you have no control and the other person could do the same. If you hold back enough not to be hesitant you keep control of that. Still think of that today. Probably applies to many situations, like driving too closely or just avoiding being a bullish driver.
Indeed... I have told her not to accelerate into trouble, and reduce speed and leave more space if possible when there is lots going on.

She spends a lot of time driving round local towns with friends, and I must say it has quickly made her a very positive driver. Probably cruising for a fall, but she is really enjoying it, touch wood.