How do you recover?



Original Poster:

22,096 posts

229 months

Monday 5th September 2005
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I've just had the worst journey to work.

Incident-free, but good gravy, did I drive badly.

One bad decision led to another, and I felt like I was at the mercy of the traffic, rather than being my usual decisive self.

Observation was poor, forward planning non-existent and I made some frankly comical manoeuvres. The worst part was that I was trying hard to shake off this dismal performance. To cap it all off, I got a tutting, headshaking driver in my rearview when I performed the only good piece of driving of the trip, which was to not play the amber gambler at the lights. (I think the car behind me intended to tailgate me through the lights)

What do you do when you find yourself in this Sargasso Sea of poor driving (if, indeed you do)? How do you bring it round?