Being Overtaken



Original Poster:

10 posts

209 months

Friday 8th June 2007
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How do you feel about being passed?


8,248 posts

242 months

Friday 8th June 2007
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Not worried until they pull in front and then slow down and make me brake which is what happens most of the time.


40,422 posts

223 months

Friday 8th June 2007
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GoldTrader said:
How do you feel about being passed?


34 posts

211 months

Friday 8th June 2007
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GoldTrader said:
How do you feel about being passed?
On open road.. No problem, used to have a big problem though!! but now my drivimg is more enlightened, I will anticipate a faster driver looking for an overtake and add this into my driving plan.

This morning, two cars in front, with a Tour bus infront of them and then a slow tourist. No space between front three. One immediately in front varing his gap from sociable to no chance! after several miles looking for overtake on one in front, resigned myself to sitting back patiently! Meanwile behind was aware of a vectra making all sorts of marginal overtakes. Eventaully he pases me and is then faced with the same problem I had! Happy to watch him get more and more frustrated that he can't get passed at all..

Now being overtaken in a 30 or 40 makes me mad!! Don't react anymore (much) but will usually get passed them again safely and legally on the next appropriate stretch once NSL resumes.



991 posts

229 months

Friday 8th June 2007
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I'm not...I have been on anti biotics since Tuesday and cannot have even a glass of wine!


Oh Sorry - PASSED...


1,590 posts

224 months

Friday 8th June 2007
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No problem at all. If I can see that they desperately want to get passed, then I'll even assist them.

Plastic chicken

382 posts

210 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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If someone has something to gain by an overtake, then fair enough; what annoys me, though, is the person that'll pass me (because I've left a sensible gap), just for the sake of it, when they know that they've no chance of getting to the head of the 'queue'. Instead of being a few yards behind me, they are now a few yards in front..big deal.


28,377 posts

290 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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I get overtaken quite a bit. How I feel about it, like Von, depends.

If the manouevre was performed safely, competently with no danger to either the overtaker or to myself I'm rather happy. I like to see good driving out on the roads and if someone wants to make more progress than me then good luck to them.

I don't care at all if by doing so they break the speed limit - that's their problem not mine. No one can expect ME to break the law for their convenience - I won't be pushed or intimidated - but I'll certainly not hold anyone up if they want to go past - regardless of speed.

If I am overtaken in a dangerous manner - perhaps due to lack of vision up the road or excessive speed given the grip available or similar I am NOT happy, of course.

What I DO about that is to try and make the manouevre safer. Perhaps by slowing to help the overtaker past or by changing my position on the road to improve vision or whatever is appropriate.

Once someone is committed to an overtake they rarely abandon it and its better to help than hinder.

If someone looks like they want to get past but it is, in my opinion, unsafe to perform an overtake in a particular place I might position my car so as to make it more obvious that they should not pass. Usually as soon as a 'take is on I'll pull over - even into a layby - to get the person behind past me at the next safe place. Holding people up causes frustration and that causes accidents so a "blocking" move or similar is an absolute last resort.

All that said - its usually ME doing the overtaking...but if someone has the skills and desire to go more quickly I'll gladly help them past me...


1,225 posts

215 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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Happy to let faster, more competent driver progress. Generally, happens in the 30mph zones (as I hover around the posted limit, depending on conditions). However, few of these "overtakees" appreciate the returned gesture at the next NSL!

Seriously, happy for people to progress in a safe, courteous manner in derestricted zones.

People are able to overtake me as I enure that
I leave a safe and appropriate gap for them to slot into
read their behaviour and compensate for it
indicate/flash left, if necessary, to let them know I will not pull-out
drive at a steady pace and positioning to make my behaviour predictable

Fortunately, I have devised a commute to/from work which includes 30, 40, 20, NSL and Motorway - I thorough enjoy it when I can obey the speed limits in the 20/30/40 zones and travel more freely on the NSL/MW. It is also great to follow others and watch their lines through winding NSL roads.

Note - I choose not to display my IAM/ROSPA membership, as have on occasions exceeded the posted speed limit to overtake to reduce TED.


2,911 posts

218 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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In terms of how I 'feel', I try to remain positive throughout my journey regardless of whether or not the overtake is neeeded, safe, legal etc. Anticipating the overtake and building it into my plan is the answer.

As for my opinions on overtaking I am fairly enlightened. If people want to get passed let them, assist them even. Better for them to be in front than behind where I have to make more use of the mirrors to keep an eye on them.

I think overtaking is becoming more socially unacceptable. This creates more conflict between those who want to overtake and those who don't want to be overtaken which isn't helpful.


28,377 posts

290 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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Overtook a car today. Out and about.

Bloke went bonkers with the lights etc.


30,418 posts

290 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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Don said:
Overtook a car today. Out and about.

Bloke went bonkers with the lights etc.
Probably congratulating you on your pass.


7,127 posts

211 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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GreenV8S said:
Don said:
Overtook a car today. Out and about.

Bloke went bonkers with the lights etc.
Probably congratulating you on your pass.
lol, how considerate of him.

But anyway, being overtaken is a rarity i find for me personally. On the rare occasions it does happen, no ill feelings ever. Where is the point in that? A thing that i've now made a habit of doing, when ever i have someone move out the way for me (Say on some A & M roads), i always just raise my fingers on the steering wheel in a 10/11'o'clock position just to acknowledge what they did and then floor it wink. However, say on little B roads where doris is trundling along @ 40 odd on an NSL strip, i will of course overtake assuming all is well conditions wise. Once i've passed and completed the overtake, raise my left hand to say thanks and give them a thumbs up for making it hassle free. As long as conditions are in your favour, and you acknowledge the other person for making it easy, i dont see why anyone would be irate, well if you're breaking the speed limit in doing so, maybe. But aside from that!


882 posts

214 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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I'd agree with that. I have no problem if I am being overtaken, so long as I don't have to make a quick reaction because of it eg. have to brake sharply because the 3 series BMW driver cut back in too soon... shoot

If I overtake & the other driver helps me in any way, such as by dropping back, I'll put my hand up to say thanks. They have gone out of their way to help me so why not acknowledge it?

Makes my p1ss boil when there is someone behind me sitting 3 feet away from my bumper weaving in and out even on a blind corner with oncoming traffic. No need!

I drive tractors and other slow moving machinery along the roads as part of my job, so I do get overtaken a fair bit. Rarely get any thanks when I do pull over to let a queue past. No pleasing some people! rolleyes

Very rarely get overtaken in my R32 though hehe


34 posts

211 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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T5R+ said:
Happy to let faster, more competent driver progress. Generally, happens in the 30mph zones (
Surely the fact that they ignore the posted limit negates their "compotent" status!

The drivers i see overtaking in restricted limits are:

(a) completely oblivious to hazards, limits/inforamtion, danger, other road users etc and maintain their 45/50 mph whatever!

(b) will ovetake/speed whatevere curcimsatnce

Some 30 limits are to fast even as some openings / driveways can be come active so fast (think cars, kids, wheelie bins!)

Stu R

21,410 posts

221 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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GoldTrader said:
How do you feel about being passed?
as long as it's not by a cannibal I couldn't care less.


6,058 posts

236 months

Saturday 9th June 2007
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Don said:
Overtook a car today. Out and about.

Bloke went bonkers with the lights etc.
I had a progressive drive back from the Cotswolds today. A number of drivers went out of their way to help me past. I appreciated that.


28,377 posts

290 months

Sunday 10th June 2007
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7db said:
Don said:
Overtook a car today. Out and about.

Bloke went bonkers with the lights etc.
I had a progressive drive back from the Cotswolds today. A number of drivers went out of their way to help me past. I appreciated that.
So nice when they help. A cheery wave and off on your way feeling good about the world. So much nicer than the full on indignation that anyone might possibly want to go faster...

...ah well.

Kermit power

29,427 posts

219 months

Sunday 10th June 2007
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I'm lucky enough to have a fairly powerful car that handles very well, so getting passed is not something that happens very often. When it does, it generally comes in one of 3 categories...

1. Bikers. Being that much narrower, it is of course easier to press on in traffic with a bike. If I see one coming up behind me, I'll move as far to the side as is safe to give them more room to pass. Bikers say thank you at leat 99% of the time, so I'm happy to do this.

2. Seriously quick cars. Anything that can get past me safely when I'm pressing on too is generally something I want to just admire as it passes anyway! biggrin

3. Pillocks! There's always the occasional complete tosser who seems to think they can get past me and the queue in front of me that I know I can't safely get past at that point. Usually they are in a less powerful car, and have dropped back to give themselves a sling-shot run from somewhere in the last county, all the while hoping that there's nothing round that corner that they can't quite see round! These I give as much space as I possibly can until I get to open road where I can put them as far behind me as possible. Particularly annoying about this sort of person is that they invariably can't maintain the pace through the twisties, so I'll end up stuck behind them. frown


6,058 posts

236 months

Sunday 10th June 2007
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Don said:
7db said:
Don said:
Overtook a car today. Out and about.

Bloke went bonkers with the lights etc.
I had a progressive drive back from the Cotswolds today. A number of drivers went out of their way to help me past. I appreciated that.
So nice when they help. A cheery wave and off on your way feeling good about the world. So much nicer than the full on indignation that anyone might possibly want to go faster...

...ah well.
And they get the cheery wave whether they help or not these days. Including the rather surprised rider... smile

I am, however, increasingly concerned that a bumpy road and a habit of running with lights on might be intimidating for some overtakees. I switched off for a few yesterday once they had acquired me.