Young Drivers Scheme



Original Poster:

991 posts

226 months

Friday 7th October 2005
quotequote all

Not sure whether to post here or ???

First course is almost full already.


little RZD

400 posts

242 months

Saturday 8th October 2005
quotequote all
ooooo i may look into that...I think i need to change my driving style a bit before my test, i dont have a problem with it but the examiner might! hehe



Original Poster:

991 posts

226 months

Sunday 9th October 2005
quotequote all
While you are learning - notice that the Cats Eyes on the roads are at every space on the Hazard lines (the longer ones)...and every second space on the Center or Lane lines (the shorter ones).

Cats eyes were invented by a Yorkshire man who noticed that the eyes of a cat, walking towards him, reflected his lights one night as he drove home...he became a millionaire.

It has been thought that, if the cat had been walking AWAY from him, he might have invented pencil sharpeners.