


435 posts

230 months

Sunday 25th September 2005
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TOPTON said:
Driving instructor comment! Roundabouts are roundabouts, be them large or small. They are not a chicane, put there to take the shortest route possible. Signal left or right on approach or not if going straight on. If going straight ahead at a "mini" no need to signal left when leaving as you could compramise your steering. Signals are used for guidence, not to be acted upon. Body language(position & speed) are just as important.

What the man said - far more accurately and concisely than I.
(but then he is the professional!)


4,708 posts

268 months

Sunday 25th September 2005
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I've had incidents of going 'around' mini-roundabouts with vehicle approaching from my right cutting the corner or going over hump straight at me....whereas I assumed (obviously wrongly!!) that they would also go 'around' and tuck in behind me.....

Somebody mentioned elsewhere that you are not 'allowed' to do a U-turn on a mini roundabout? Can't find any mention in the Highway Code though


1,514 posts

239 months

Sunday 25th September 2005
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Doing a U turn on a mini roundabout is perfectly legal. Not always enough room to do it without making it look like you are turning left. Plus nobody expects to see cars doing it so is potentially dangerous.


35,349 posts

237 months

Monday 26th September 2005
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Indeed - though coming onto the roundabout quite slowly to control the cars behind and to give the oncoming cars time to react normally does the trick.


9,293 posts

261 months

Thursday 29th September 2005
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And indicating right of course. If you're positioned to go left and indicating right, the person waiting at the first exit should at least get some inkling that you're up to something out of the ordinary.


27,428 posts

282 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Another mini roundabout issue - I understand that vehicles on the roundabout have right of way over vehicles approaching the roundabout (?) - so what about if you are about to enter the MR from a standing start or queue from a minor road and someone is haring from your right at say 45 mph (this happens all the time at my local MR, 30mph zone BTW)), but they are still a little way from the MR, but approaching fast.

Do you A) enter the MR as you got to it first and force the appraching cat to brake, or B) give way to the car approaching from the right, although he has not yet reached the MR and you are nosing over the line?


6,058 posts

233 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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You should not only give way to people who have priority over you but also to those over whom you have priority, but who are idiots.

I think this chap might fall into the second category.

One option is to edge out and look for signs of braking (nose dipping, widening of the eyes, smoke...) and if you see none, leave him room to commit his silliness. He'll be gone in a moment leaving you safe to move on your way.

This is unless you drive a bus, or a mining truck...