BAD DRIVER or just me?



6,809 posts

281 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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PetrolTed said:

GreenV8S said:
Trying to be constructive (for a change), there were a couple of occasions where it seemed that you were changing down very late, almost on the way out of the corner...

Peter, the road was very twisty on on occasions I found myself slowing mid bend as things were getting tighter than anticipated.

Yes - that's what my rear-facing camera showed - a Cerbera disappearing into the distance



32,091 posts

253 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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Wow - thanks everyone! I really feel quite loved right about now Genuinely appreciate all the comments.

I didn't realise the original poster (who has remained somewhat quiet I notice) doesn't actually own a driver's license? I stress even more, therefore, my question above to please iterate why you thought it bad. This isn't so I can have a go at you - it's so I can understand and, perhaps, explain.

GreenV8S - thanks for the comments. With hindsight you're absolutely spot on - there were occasions I found myself in the wrong gear on the exit (or just before) a corner. In an ideal world it would not have happened (and so you are correct in what you say). The reason it happened is because, as Ted and Nubbin mentioned above, on many occasions the road tightened more than expected. This means that, where I entered in 3rd and it then tightened more than I thought it would, (and because of the long ratios I mention above, which prove bloody frustrating in such circumstances!) I simply found myself in the wrong gear. A quick change down would solve it (which I did) however, it makes the driving look less clean and tidy. Which, I guess to a point, it is!
Having said all that - the above is part of the reason I found that road so fantastic and challenging!

Regarding the point about using the other side of the road. I understand what you were trying to say now...I was not on the other side of the road because my speed or grip meant I had to be, it was simply to straighten the line of the corner where possible (and hence keep the car more stable), or to gain a better view further up the road. It was never, ever, because I was too fast into the corner.
I understand your point though and you'd be 100% correct in your comment if that were the reason.

Thanks all again for keeping this a sensible and constructive thread.



6,809 posts

281 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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TimW said:

this driver on urohoon this year.. is it me or that some bad driving.? a he is changin round corners.

wats ur thoughts.

For crying out loud, Tim - this isn't text-a-m8. You have a keyboard in front of you - use English and get your spelling and punctuation right!


5,094 posts

251 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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Podie said:
I think the quote is "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do."

No one gets it right all the time, and we're all still learning... watching a video of your own driving can be quite enlightening...

Bloody frightening would be closer to the mark, especially with some of the faces I pull.


34,441 posts

306 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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Nubbin's older than he looks you know


16,556 posts

257 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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Good God, he's a liability, dreadful driver! ....

until I threw him the keys to me Ferrari and let him belt it round Bruntingthorpe at 160mph + ... seems alright to me now ... for a catalogue model any road

Put it this way - I can guarantee that there are people on this forum that would readily trust Tony with the keys to their 1) Ferrari 2) Porsche Twin turbos 3) TVRs, to name but a few.

Hands up who would lend their keys to the original poster of all this?


11,758 posts

242 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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burriana said:
Hands up who would lend their keys to the original poster of all this?

Both Tim and Tony are too young to drive mine After 12th October though, I'll gladly chuck Gillette boy the keys


46,638 posts

278 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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TimW said:

For crying out loud, Tim - this isn't text-a-m8. You have a keyboard in front of you - use English and get your spelling and punctuation right!


6,809 posts

281 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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PetrolTed said:
Nubbin's older than he looks you know

'E's 59 year' owd - t'owd lad, 'im! (But still got the nod from young Italian receptionist lasses! )


32,091 posts

253 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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nubbin said:
'E's 59 year' owd - t'owd lad, 'im!

For crying out loud, Nubbin - this isn't text-a-m8. You have a keyboard in front of you - use English and get your spelling and punctuation right!


34,441 posts

306 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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nubbin said:
(But still got the nod from young Italian receptionist lasses! )

They charged us 200 euros for that


11,758 posts

242 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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nubbin said:
I'm a Yo'kshie man an' a'm prowd o' it!


Original Poster:

3,848 posts

250 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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back from college now. i have productive things todo unlike most of you lot on here all day

1. i can use slang on here if i want. there are no "rules" stating that i have to type correctly?

2. no i havent passed my test. does that rule me out of having an opionion?

3. i was showin how it seems. changin on mid corners then planting the trottle. thats asking for trouble.

4. that armbelt thingy is so lame and old now. get something new.



11,758 posts

242 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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TimW said:
back from college now. i have productive things todo unlike most of you lot on here all day

You actually do something productive at college That's a novelty I'm impressed! Especially as seen as it's Friday

TimW said:

2. no i havent passed my test. does that rule me out of having an opionion?

Opinions are like arse-holes; everybody has one.

TimW said:
3. i was showin how it seems. changin on mid corners then planting the trottle. thats asking for trouble.

Depends on the corner. Putting your foot down mid-corner can actually help plant your wheels in some cases. Forget the physics of it now. No time to explain. I have a deadline to meet


6,809 posts

281 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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PetrolTed said:

nubbin said:
(But still got the nod from young Italian receptionist lasses! )

They charged us 200 euros for that

Don't worry lads - I got your money back


6,809 posts

281 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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TimW said:
Muwah bah balaah blah bah buwah mah FACT!


34,441 posts

306 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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All this talk of 'mid' corner acceleration... it's a fine line between planting it mid corner and golden lady accelerating out of a bolzano bend.

Do we not have a rule about txt spk? I shall have to introduce one


11,758 posts

242 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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anonymous said:

How about a gag?


6,809 posts

281 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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anonymous said:

OK - What kind of chickens does Superman keep? Capons

Does anyone know where I left my hat?


Original Poster:

3,848 posts

250 months

Friday 23rd September 2005
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nubbin said:

Does anyone know where I left my hat?

Next to that armbelt i sold you last week perhaps?

>> Edited by TimW on Friday 23 September 17:27