Reg's Youtube thread


Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Monday 11th December 2017
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Yeah. Forgot.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Wednesday 20th December 2017
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Blakewater said:
It's one of many roads in the local area to have been blessed with average speed cameras now.

All the roads around where I live can be clear but I can find myself trapped at the bottom of the hill where I live when that is covered in compacted snow and ice. Last winter the only guy who got up when no one else could was a guy in a BMW 4 Series with winter tyres.

I also couldn't get onto the roof top car park where I park to go to work the other day because the ramp was icy and I had to enter it slowly because it's a blind approach and narrow and I didn't want to risk hitting someone coming down or skidding into the wall.

Would an icy slope be better tackled with ESP on or off? Are there any particular techniques for getting going from a standstill on an icy slope besides just being gentle with the acceleration?
It pains me to say it, but I’m actually quite happy with the average speed cameras on Belmont Road. I used to cover this road when I was in the police and despite it being a fairly benign piece of moorland road, it was also one which people seemed to cock up on a regular basis. Next time you drive along it, look at the stone walls on the bends at the north end of the boating reservoir. There are literally more holes than walls. And blasted bloody motorcyclists* were always coming off at mach 2 and throwing themselves 1/4 mile into the adjacent fields.

It may be a dull and uninspiring road to drive at 50 now, but the accident rate has plummeted to virtually zero since the cameras became active and I am in no doubt that lives will be saved as a result, which is surely the whole point of these schemes.

As for your own slippery slope, getting moving from stationary on a slope is one of the most difficult things to do on a slippery surface. The best advice is to try to get at least a little bit of momentum up before driving on to the slope, and then try to keep the car moving with gentle inputs on the accelerator.

I did learn a little trick when I was over in Siberia earlier this year which may work for you. With the ESP off, try using your left foot on the brake pedal to limit wheelspin and mimic the effects of an LSD. It was surprising how effective this technique was when we were struggling to get going in a FWD car.

* I have bought a motorcycle and booked my DAS in January, so I’m about to become a ruddy motorbikerist myself.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Sunday 24th December 2017
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I threw a quick video together today on motorway driving. I know there's a lot more to it, but this one covers the basics...

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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A little video about my (to date, very limited) motorcycling experience:

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Tuesday 6th March 2018
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TartanPaint said:
Any wobbles or incidents yet that you'd be willing to admit to?
I pulled into my work car park last week, put the side stand down, leant the bike over on to the stand and then discovered - just past the point of no return - that the stand had not clicked into place and had boinged back up.

So the bike decided to have a bit of a lie down.

Without me, fortunately.

Happily, there was no-one around to witness my tomfoolery.

Unhappily, there was no-one around to help me pick the bloody thing back up.

Other than that, I had some difficulty at first in trusting the tyres, particularly in the wet and found myself going a little wide during tight turns. I have also reverted to being a cyclist a couple of times & pulled the clutch in, thinking it's the back brake, but I've pretty much weaned myself off those faults now.

Many thanks for the tips - all are gratefully received!

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Thursday 14th June 2018
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I went on a trip to the Nurburgring with Daft Andy over the weekend. Nurburgring video to follow once I’ve edited the footage, but in the meantime, I made a video about high speed driving on the autobahn:

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Monday 18th June 2018
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Stonecarver said:
Hi Reg
Just came across your videos over the weekend, enjoyed your blast down the autobahn. Ended up having a look at your 'how to drive single track roads' after that, and much to my surprise you are on my local road. So now I've watched a few (half looking to see folk I might know). I drive the local school bus and do a couple of service runs as well (all in various transit mini-buses) so I cover about 1000 to 1500 miles a week on these roads. Fantastic driving roads.
I enjoyed your 'overtaking' films too. I've had an M135i for a couple of months now. It really is a joy to drive and it does make overtaking a breeze. Mines a 5 door auto in black.
Hope to see you road sometime.
Best wishes
byebye Hi Neil!

I'll be up there again for the first two weeks in August - drop me a PM if you'd like to meet up.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Friday 10th August 2018
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Reg & Daft Andy drive the Nurburgring.

Quite slowly. With a healthy dollop of pisstaking thrown in.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Monday 13th August 2018
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Got a bit of spare time whilst I’m away on holiday, so I’ve had time to edit this one. Motorcycling - update & filtering:

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Tuesday 14th August 2018
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And another one. Emergency braking.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Friday 31st August 2018
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TheInsanity1234 said:
Hello Reg Local.

Apologies for possibly taking this a tad off track, but I figured best to pop it in one of your youtube threads, but I'm a youngish driver, 20 year old man, with just over 3 years experience behind the wheel. I've wanted to watch your videos for ages, however, being profoundly deaf, I can't hear the commentary/dialouge explaining what you're doing and when. I've been using the YouTube auto-caption feature on some of the videos, and whilst it is somewhat accurate, there are a couple of videos where this feature is not even available (possibly due to the speech not being clear enough in the audio), and on others where it is available, it is very poor and occasionally misses out huge swathes of information!

I was wondering if I could trouble you to either review the videos and include proper subtitles for all of them, or perhaps offer a transcript in a file which one could download and read through whilst watching the video. I believe creating the captions is a very simple affair when uploading to YouTube, as their auto-caption software will capture the majority of the speech, and you only have to read through whilst listening and edit in missing bits or correcting some of the... more 'imaginative' attempts at transcribing your speech!

Otherwise, I think your videos are excellent and incredibly informative! I only really understood the concept of brake gear overlap after I'd watched your video on it, and now I'm trying to implement some of the driving techniques demonstrated into my daily driving. Might I also suggest that you do a video on how to drive in an urban environment, such as a city or large town, with complex road systems etc. I drive almost exclusively in Liverpool and on the Wirral, save for the occasional trip further away, and I'd like to see you demonstrate some of the thought processes I ought to be aiming for in my urban driving.

I thank you again for a collection of such interesting videos, and avidly await to see more! I also hope you could consider my feedback regarding subtitling your videos, and perhaps implement a way for deaf and hard of hearing people to access the information.
Thanks very much for pointing out the issues with the caption function on YT. I was aware that the function existed, and I've tried it on a couple of videos & found it worked reasonably well, but I never took the time to check it was working on all of them - probably through a combination of ignorance & assuming it just worked.

I'll make a start on reviewing the function for all my videos, but in the meantime, if there are any which you'd particularly like checking - or which are particularly bad - let me know & I'll start with them. You're welcome to PM me or DM me via Twitter if you like.

My apologies for the oversight - I want my stuff to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Friday 31st August 2018
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TheInsanity1234 said:
The videos I've found to have no captions whatsoever appear to be:
04 - Cornering
05 - An Introduction to Commentary
07 - Overtaking
09 - Cornering Revisited
and the Siberian ones, it seems.
There's a couple of others where the subtitles are quite bizarre and not very obvious, but I can't remember off the top of my head which ones, so I'll leave that to you to find and sort out! Thank you, I appreciate it very much!
Cheers. I’ll make a start this weekend.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Friday 31st August 2018
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It’ll be reet. I’ll gerrit fettled & t’job’ll be a gudden.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Monday 1st October 2018
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32 Advanced Driving in Finland:

With some basic stuff thrown in for anyone new to left hand drive / driving on the right.

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Sunday 7th October 2018
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33 Advanced Driving in Russia:

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Sunday 12th May 2019
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New video online. 35 Observations & Planning:

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Sunday 7th July 2019
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36 Parking:

Not the most exciting of subjects I know, so apologies in advance, but it is something that a large percentage of drivers seem to bugger about with & it seemed an ideal subject to try out the new drone with...

Reg Local

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2,688 posts

211 months

Thursday 11th July 2019
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clayts450 said:
Very helpful video - used it today to parallel park my unfeasibly long Accord coupe into a space I would never have attempted before - got it completely bob on thanks to the video - thanks Reg smile
Reg Local - helping to fit large items into tight spaces since 2019...

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Not really an advanced driving video. Or even a driving video. And not instructional either.

But some might enjoy.

A ride through France & Belgium on the bike with Daft Andy:

Reg Local

Original Poster:

2,688 posts

211 months

Friday 9th August 2019
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Another new one.

37 Be Wary of Rules!