Is overtaking a lost art?

Is overtaking a lost art?



2,853 posts

29 months

Sunday 4th December 2022
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Caddyshack said:
It probably wasn’t a 20m gap the poster just gave an incorrect measurement.
The only information that is available is the poster own words, when he boasted about his endeavours.
It is the only account of the events.

Assuming it wasn't a fabricated event, there are 2 possibilities here.

1. It was indeed 20m and he did a dangerous move.

2. He can't estimate 20m, in which case what was it?

Either way, not someone you would like to share the road with.

And not really a story to post in an advanced driving forum.


2,853 posts

29 months

Sunday 4th December 2022
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Smollet said:
I live near the Surrey Hills so there are plenty of cyclists about. I don’t have an issue with the vast majority tbh. I do have a problem with motorists who can’t, won’t overtake cyclists when they have a clear opportunity to do so. It’s even worse when there’s a solid white line. I dread to think what they do when coming across a stationary vehicle where a solid central white line is present.
Do you know the law on crossing a solid line?

Only permitted to overtake something doing 10mph or less.


3,244 posts

216 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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911hope said:
Do you know the law on crossing a solid line?

Only permitted to overtake something doing 10mph or less.
Specific things doing not more than 10 mph - or stationary. Not that vehicles are allowed to stop in such locations.


3,244 posts

216 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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I overtake quite often and hardly ever receive negative reactions.


2,797 posts

22 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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911hope said:
The only information that is available is the poster own words, when he boasted about his endeavours.
It is the only account of the events.

Assuming it wasn't a fabricated event, there are 2 possibilities here.

1. It was indeed 20m and he did a dangerous move.

2. He can't estimate 20m, in which case what was it?

Either way, not someone you would like to share the road with.

And not really a story to post in an advanced driving forum.
Boosted lol. This is the overtaking thread.

When I get a chance I will measure it. And was probably less than 50 mph as well. The gap was sufficient that the two cars were separated enough for a lorry and drag to overtake with space.

The issue was 4x high beams left on. Very dangerous but seems odd people focus on my "boasting"?( My car is a pug 207 1.4 hdi with 4x 4 season tyres which work wonders ,but nothing to boast about)


2,853 posts

29 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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Golfgtimk28v said:
911hope said:
The only information that is available is the poster own words, when he boasted about his endeavours.
It is the only account of the events.

Assuming it wasn't a fabricated event, there are 2 possibilities here.

1. It was indeed 20m and he did a dangerous move.

2. He can't estimate 20m, in which case what was it?

Either way, not someone you would like to share the road with.

And not really a story to post in an advanced driving forum.
Boosted lol. This is the overtaking thread.

When I get a chance I will measure it. And was probably less than 50 mph as well. The gap was sufficient that the two cars were separated enough for a lorry and drag to overtake with space.

The issue was 4x high beams left on. Very dangerous but seems odd people focus on my "boasting"?( My car is a pug 207 1.4 hdi with 4x 4 season tyres which work wonders ,but nothing to boast about)
Story changing all the time..

Good luck measuring the gap between 2 moving cars that are no longer there.

How are you going to achieve that?


213 posts

23 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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911hope said:
Story changing all the time..

Good luck measuring the gap between 2 moving cars that are no longer there.

How are you going to achieve that?
Why is the focus on a point of information that's already been admitted was wrong in the original post?

If it was a safe overtake, which is what's being claimed upon requests for clarification, then the issue is the unnecessary behaviour of the other vehicle involved... Something that happens far more often that it should when people are overtaken and don't like it.


4,786 posts

166 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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Maybe it's time for

Meditation On The A30

A man on his own in a car
Is revenging himself on his wife;
He open the throttle and bubbles with dottle
And puffs at his pitiful life

She's losing her looks very fast,
She loses her temper all day;
That lorry won't let me get past,
This Mini is blocking my way.

"Why can't you step on it and shift her!
I can't go on crawling like this!
At breakfast she said that she wished I was dead-
Thank heavens we don't have to kiss.

"I'd like a nice blonde on my knee
And one who won't argue or nag.
Who dares to come hooting at me?
I only give way to a Jag.

"You're barmy or plastered, I'll pass you, you bd-
I will overtake you. I will!"
As he clenches his pipe, his moment is ripe
And the corner's accepting its kill.


2,797 posts

22 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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Brassblaster said:
Why is the focus on a point of information that's already been admitted was wrong in the original post?

If it was a safe overtake, which is what's being claimed upon requests for clarification, then the issue is the unnecessary behaviour of the other vehicle involved... Something that happens far more often that it should when people are overtaken and don't like it.
It's the internet, people want to think there is more. I've looked at lorries today and gap was probably X5 off them. There was zero issue with me invading anyone's space. Also I didn't mention I am sensitive to bright light and the full bean blinded me. Was very dangerous.

Anyway just one of things I guess there are quite a few bobbers on the road this time of year


2,853 posts

29 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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Brassblaster said:
Caddyshack said:
It probably wasn’t a 20m gap the poster just gave an incorrect measurement.
That's how I read it too... In fairness a lot of people are terrible at judging distances, so my natural assumption is that that's what the poster had done.

Frankly, too many drivers get irate over perfectly reasonable overtakes that the idea that the reaction was a result of the poster using an actual 20m gap (and so deserving to be prompted to reappraise their driving) seemed less likely than that yet another person on the road had lost their mind at the idea that anyone might want to drive faster than them... Especially when Socially Unacceptable Vehicles are involved - different standards seem to apply to drivers of such uninvolving vehicles as Qashqai's and Sportages.
Poster writes in some detail about a dangerous act and complains about another road user.

When questioned, denies the details of the dangerous act previously written. People decide to believe the "adjusted" description. Based on what?

Shared dislike of the the other driver/car type?

Bearing in mind none of the defenders were there and have any clue what happened.

Rationally, it is either a reliable account of a dangerous event, or an unreliable account, so all contents should be disbelieved.


2,839 posts

165 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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911hope said:
Smollet said:
I live near the Surrey Hills so there are plenty of cyclists about. I don’t have an issue with the vast majority tbh. I do have a problem with motorists who can’t, won’t overtake cyclists when they have a clear opportunity to do so. It’s even worse when there’s a solid white line. I dread to think what they do when coming across a stationary vehicle where a solid central white line is present.
Do you know the law on crossing a solid line?

Only permitted to overtake something doing 10mph or less.
Or to enter premises or a side road, and it must be safe to cross.

"I apologise officer, I estimated the cyclists' speed to be < 10 mph and proceeded with a safe overtake"

So you would just blindly follow a bicycle for longer than necessary if there were a safe overtake available, simply because there's a solid white line on the road?

911hope said:
Either way, not someone you would like to share the road with.

And not really a story to post in an advanced driving forum.


3,408 posts

87 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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2gins said:
911hope said:
Smollet said:
I live near the Surrey Hills so there are plenty of cyclists about. I don’t have an issue with the vast majority tbh. I do have a problem with motorists who can’t, won’t overtake cyclists when they have a clear opportunity to do so. It’s even worse when there’s a solid white line. I dread to think what they do when coming across a stationary vehicle where a solid central white line is present.
Do you know the law on crossing a solid line?

Only permitted to overtake something doing 10mph or less.
Or to enter premises or a side road, and it must be safe to cross.

"I apologise officer, I estimated the cyclists' speed to be < 10 mph and proceeded with a safe overtake"

So you would just blindly follow a bicycle for longer than necessary if there were a safe overtake available, simply because there's a solid white line on the road?

911hope said:
Either way, not someone you would like to share the road with.

And not really a story to post in an advanced driving forum.
The law is clear. I wouldn't get annoyed at somebody for not breaking the law.

The root issue is councils bunging down white lines willy nilly because of idiotic overtakes of motorists by motorists. But there's plenty of idiotic overtakes when I'm out on my bike... blind bends for instance, solid white line or not. I'd rather people who were unsure erred on the side of caution.

Learner showing how I like people to pass me. hehe
I really don't mind breaking the law as long as it's safe. I'd much rather that than trying to squeeze past without crossing the lines...

The Menai Bridge has a nice little set of signs that could be adapted to produce a more reasonable overtaking restriction in certain places:

Edited by Solocle on Monday 5th December 13:28


3,948 posts

85 months

Monday 5th December 2022
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Brassblaster said:
911hope said:
Story changing all the time..

Good luck measuring the gap between 2 moving cars that are no longer there.

How are you going to achieve that?
Why is the focus on a point of information that's already been admitted was wrong in the original post?

If it was a safe overtake, which is what's being claimed upon requests for clarification, then the issue is the unnecessary behaviour of the other vehicle involved... Something that happens far more often that it should when people are overtaken and don't like it.
because troll


196 posts

141 months

Tuesday 6th December 2022
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Not read the whole thread but seems noone wants to overtake any more.
I was car 14 doing 40mph over snake pass last week, 20 mph round some bends. All bunched up nose to tail, no one making an effort. Upto catching the winding trail, I had a dck in a van speed up as I overtook.


17,887 posts

207 months

Tuesday 6th December 2022
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The closely spaced convoys are what annoys me most, if you don’t want to overtake fine but increasing I won’t take opportunities as there are no decent gaps, and you just know they will close the gap on a ‘flash’ Merc.

Utterly baffling one the other night. Line of traffic about 40mph with a Qashqai driven by an older man with his elderly mother. Perfectly safe overtake with utterly bags of room and then proceeded to tailgate me incessantly positioning in the middle of the road then get all head shakey with me using acceleration sense to gently follow the other traffic through villages smoothly.

Bizarrely when a few turned off and we reached the nationals he, er, disappeared.


11,508 posts

63 months

Wednesday 7th December 2022
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runnerbean 14 said:
Lots of A and B roads round here; I'm constantly amazed by how many drivers will just follow the car in front like sheep (usually leaving too small a gap) and never overtake, missing many perfectly safe opportunities to do so. Then, if the car in front turns off, they will speed up to what is obviously their preferred (and higher) rate of progress.
Similar roads around me. I would prefer not to repeat an unfortunate experience around midday yesterday.

Caught a car being driven competently except the driver refused to indicate at any junctions. He was noticeably slow through bends but then I noticed why - RHF wheel/tyre was a narrow space-spacer. Good reason to be cautious. He never exceeded 45mph whilst I was behind.

B-road opened into a moderate straight where I decided to overtake safely. I accelerated to around 60mph and got most of the way past. But then I realised that he had floored the throttle and was now matching my speed, preventing me from completing the overtaking manoeuvre. We were fast approaching a kink in the road virtually side-by-side, ready for head-on collision with oncoming traffic.

Luckily I won this lethal acceleration game and managed to chop back in front of him. If an oncoming vehicle had appeared, I would have returned to the 'my' side of the road regardless, taking out the upset challenger if necessary. Side impact travelling in the same direction is much better a potentially fatal head-on.

Which prompts a few questions:

What on earth was going on inside the offended driver's head?

Should overtaking on single-carriageway roads be banned to prevent similar incidents?

Any recommendations for an economic dashcam?


57,011 posts

207 months

Wednesday 7th December 2022
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bigothunter said:
What on earth was going on inside the offended driver's head?

bigothunter said:
Should overtaking on single-carriageway roads be banned to prevent similar incidents?
Nope. People who behave like that should be on the bus.


3,244 posts

216 months

Wednesday 7th December 2022
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bigothunter said:
Similar roads around me. I would prefer not to repeat an unfortunate experience around midday yesterday.

Caught a car being driven competently except the driver refused to indicate at any junctions. He was noticeably slow through bends but then I noticed why - RHF wheel/tyre was a narrow space-spacer. Good reason to be cautious. He never exceeded 45mph whilst I was behind.

B-road opened into a moderate straight where I decided to overtake safely. I accelerated to around 60mph and got most of the way past. But then I realised that he had floored the throttle and was now matching my speed, preventing me from completing the overtaking manoeuvre. We were fast approaching a kink in the road virtually side-by-side, ready for head-on collision with oncoming traffic.

Luckily I won this lethal acceleration game and managed to chop back in front of him. If an oncoming vehicle had appeared, I would have returned to the 'my' side of the road regardless, taking out the upset challenger if necessary. Side impact travelling in the same direction is much better a potentially fatal head-on.

Which prompts a few questions:

What on earth was going on inside the offended driver's head?

Should overtaking on single-carriageway roads be banned to prevent similar incidents?

Any recommendations for an economic dashcam?

I have much sympathy for you. But if he had hit a tree and died you would have gone inside for causing death by dangerous. When someone you are overtaking starts to accelerate, if it is still possible to brake and tuck in behind that is probably a safer option.

Pit Pony

8,974 posts

124 months

Wednesday 7th December 2022
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In case the , driving a 5 door disco reg CF53 ### driving from Barton to Uttoxeter via Marchington, this evening, is on here. You know who you are if you are on here.

Wow. You can over take. There was no need to. And you are a . Your aggressive driving caused multiple cars some surprise and some of them.had to take evasive action.

I suspect you'll crash on the muddy frozen bends in the next couple of weeks.

Perhaps try a track day?

Pit Pony

8,974 posts

124 months

Wednesday 7th December 2022
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waremark said:
I overtake quite often and hardly ever receive negative reactions.
Hardly ever ? Suggests you get some negative reactions?