

Original Poster:

7,339 posts

247 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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I passed my IAM advanced driving test back in April and was talking to some observers who also observe for ROSPA as well.

What are the differences and should I take the ROSPA exam as well (I guess the answer is yes, but I'd like to hear from people who have done it!).


39,703 posts

272 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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Cool question.

I'm in the same boat .... passed IAM in June and am now looking to ROSPA.

RoSPA has 3 levels/grades - Bronze, Silver and Gold.

There's many on here who can give a comprehensive and detailed reply - but as I understand it (and anyone please feel free to correct me) IAM = RoSPA silver level.

So there's a bit more work to achieve RoSPA Gold, plus, you need to re-test every 3 years, unlike the IAM - which is effectively a one-off test.

Hopefully this will tide you over until a proper answer comes along.


P.S. Note to self: Write that article you keep meaning to write - about IAM, RoPSA, differences, etc, etc ....


991 posts

226 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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Both are based on get Gold in RoSPA you need zero minors and no majors.

My report from passing at Silver...'No moving brake test.Pre start check routine requires practise'
Inconsistent use of mirrors...Use of Speed..generally good but with the odd lapse.

Retried 12 months later...Full internal and external checks carried out in a disciplined manner....Frequent use made of all mirrors...Use of speed -made intelligent use of speed, always related to view.Gold

Retest 3 years later...use of mirrors 'Conscious of the dangers on the nearside and used mirrors well' other comments as above plus 'Commentary well above average in content and delivery'Gold.

I do not have a scanner so cannot post the reports -it would be useful for you to have a look at the 3 page reports of Silver and Gold as the examiners use stock phrases - if the mods can put us in address touch off Forum I will mail you the reports to help you see what they are looking for.

Or maybe one of the RoSPA examiners can post some details?



39,703 posts

272 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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You can send me the report and I'll scan/post it, for all to see.

Assuming it's ok to do so - can't think why it would not be.



991 posts

226 months

Wednesday 28th September 2005
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No problem posting it if you can edit name and examiners name -where do I send the reports?


PS - I can try tonight to have them scanned to disk by a friend then post them on the Forum - would that be do able? 9 pages- will I get shot?


39,703 posts

272 months

Wednesday 28th September 2005
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If you go to my profile, you can click on the "Click here to email me" link (just above the picture), and send me a message, then I'll have your email address to send my address to, or my email address if you get the pages scanned tonight.

Many thanks,



28,377 posts

287 months

Wednesday 28th September 2005
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Rospa and IAM are identical in terms of course content, Roadcraft, expectations etc. I did the ROSPA test to check and understand its standards and got a Gold...there again I am an Observer with my IAM Group and so do try to keep my standards up.

I haven't been retested yet - next year - so I'll let you know how that goes!

If you scraped the IAM test - that's a Bronze. If you passed the IAM test comfortably - that's a Silver. If you breezed the IAM test with flying colours and they asked if you would do some Observing now - probably a Gold. You can't really tell, of course, as the IAM don't Grade.

I'm thinking of doing the IAM Special Assesment - which is actually graded with a percentage....because it will keep up my interest and standards rather then simply wanting yet another "pat on the back"...we'll see.

If you think you'd enjoy it and want to see if you can get a "Gold" then why not? It costs about the same as the IAM which isn't exactly expensive...


Original Poster:

7,339 posts

247 months

Thursday 29th September 2005
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Hmmm, I don't know if I scraped my IAM test or not, but I did exceed the speed limit once on an overtake and I wasn't able to recall some road signs along the way. Having said that, my examiner said he had no hesitation in passing me?!!?!

I was also asked if I would become an observer but I also know that my local group is getting desperate for them at the moment (I had a six month wait for my observed drives, prbably because I could only do weekends).

Might as well give ROSPA a go then!


991 posts

226 months

Thursday 29th September 2005
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leosayer said:
Hmmm, I don't know if I scraped my IAM test or not, but I did exceed the speed limit once on an overtake and I wasn't able to recall some road signs along the way. Having said that, my examiner said he had no hesitation in passing me?!!?!

I was also asked if I would become an observer but I also know that my local group is getting desperate for them at the moment (I had a six month wait for my observed drives, prbably because I could only do weekends).

Might as well give ROSPA a go then!


Regarding traffic signs, I tell my associates on the first drive to name out loud every sign they see (including paint on the road).
As an incentive (or a con?) I tell them that the Examiner will ask them for 8 signs and they need to get 6 naming them out loud they reduce the chance of missing any and the Examiner does not bother to ask.

AND - they read the road better and begin to develop a commentary...40 zone, mirror scan...centre lines to hazard lines - why? ...School sign...where is the School...there it gas etc.



3,824 posts

274 months

Sunday 2nd October 2005
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leosayer said:
Hmmm, I don't know if I scraped my IAM test or not, but I did exceed the speed limit once on an overtake <snip> said he had no hesitation in passing me?!!?!

I'd be surprised if exceeding the speed limit on an overtake was a problem, especially given the speed with which police drivers themselves are taught to overtake on their advanced course.

I agree with all the others here about the value of doing RoSPA. Having said that, professional instruction on the road from someone like Cadence or RideDrive would be even better still.



991 posts

226 months

Sunday 2nd October 2005
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Mark_SV said:

leosayer said:
Hmmm, I don't know if I scraped my IAM test or not, but I did exceed the speed limit once on an overtake <snip> said he had no hesitation in passing me?!!?!

I'd be surprised if exceeding the speed limit on an overtake was a problem, especially given the speed with which police drivers themselves are taught to overtake on their advanced course.

I agree with all the others here about the value of doing RoSPA. Having said that, professional instruction on the road from someone like Cadence or RideDrive would be even better still.


Exceeding the speed limit on an overtake, IAM or RoSPA would demonstrate a lack of planning and would result in not attaining Gold standard - Amen!



3,824 posts

274 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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BOF said:
Exceeding the speed limit on an overtake, IAM or RoSPA would demonstrate a lack of planning and would result in not attaining Gold standard - Amen!

Erm, BOF, I seem to be disagreeing with you again. Which is a shame as we probably share the same values about safe driving and good motoring.

However, I've had this exact same discussion with both an IAM and a RoSPA Examiner. Officially, no you can't ever exceed the speed limit on an advanced test, because neither organisation can publicly condone breaking the law. In practice, however, it may be safer to do so and you might not be penalised. When I both trained for and took my IAM Special Assessment, I was given leeway on overtakes. I know the odd RoSPA Examiner quite well and know they have given Gold to people who've exceeded the speed limit during overtakes. Safety takes precedence over speed limits and, in my experience, Examiners have a high degree of common sense.

It does vary by Examiner (your local one may feel differently) and by circumstances. So I'd advise anyone preparing for an advanced test to ask this question before the start of the drive.


991 posts

226 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Mark_SV said:

BOF said:
Exceeding the speed limit on an overtake, IAM or RoSPA would demonstrate a lack of planning and would result in not attaining Gold standard - Amen!

Erm, BOF, I seem to be disagreeing with you again. Which is a shame as we probably share the same values about safe driving and good motoring.

However, I've had this exact same discussion with both an IAM and a RoSPA Examiner. Officially, no you can't ever exceed the speed limit on an advanced test, because neither organisation can publicly condone breaking the law. In practice, however, it may be safer to do so and you might not be penalised. When I both trained for and took my IAM Special Assessment, I was given leeway on overtakes. I know the odd RoSPA Examiner quite well and know they have given Gold to people who've exceeded the speed limit during overtakes. Safety takes precedence over speed limits and, in my experience, Examiners have a high degree of common sense.

It does vary by Examiner (your local one may feel differently) and by circumstances. So I'd advise anyone preparing for an advanced test to ask this question before the start of the drive.


""Erm, BOF, I seem to be disagreeing with you again. Which is a shame as we probably share the same values about safe driving and good motoring.""

We are on a Forum - I am happy to have a discussion - our common interest might give some thought to others.

My thinking on overtaking - in normal circumstances, on a single carriageway NSL road, is that I am looking for a 15mph differential between me and the target for a safe overtake...if I don't have it I tend to think 'why bother'...and wait for a safer opportunity.

My RoSPA Examiner, 3 times so far, is in 'something special' in the MET, quite happy with me using the gearbox line if no one is watching (I asked him) but I doubt if he would sign off Gold if I was overspeed as he sticks with the System...overspeed cannot be Systematic?

If two people agree on everything - sack one of them!



852 posts

232 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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After I did IAM I was jolly proud of myself. Then a few years later I discovered RoADA. After I did that, I was jolly proud of myself. Then a few years later I doscovered HPC. After I did that, I was jolly proud of myself.

I thought long and hard whether to bother with a RoADA retest, given that I genuinely believe that they (and the IAM) are actually part of the problem with regards to advanced driving.

In the end, I did take the retest and secured another gold.

For people who have no experience of Roadcraft, I would always point them to IAM/RoADA. For people who either have tried IAM/RoADA and found it not to their liking or just want something a bit more taxing, I point them at the HPC.


6,058 posts

233 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Which of the three would you say is more rewarding to you now?


3,824 posts

274 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Craig – Hi! Seems like we’re both members of “the Club” then, although I my attendance at events has diminished in proportion to time spent on two wheels. I was very active for a little while and will no doubt return to Club events again when I want a change from biking. I see StressedDave is on Pistonheads too and there are probably a few more HPCers lurking too.

I used to recommend people interested in advanced driving to the IAM/RoSPA. Over the years, I’ve recommended a number of people, just under half of whom have got on with the IAM/RoSPA. So I now suggest people try a professional/Class 1 instructor (like or in the first instance; everyone who’s done this has come away with glowing reports and highly enthused about advanced driving. Despite having been mega-involved with the IAM at local and regional levels, I’d always recommend instruction from a professional police Class 1 over the IAM now. That’s not to say don’t take an IAM or RoSPA test, whatever method of instruction gets you to the standard.

BOF – My speed differential on overtakes depends on the distance in which I’ve got to complete it. Regarding speed limits, our local RoSPA Examiner (in the car) is explicitly flexible in national speed limits and our local IAM Examiners vary in flexibility (although they all have a degree of flexibility). However, I know some Examiners are stricter than others, so I’d always advise an Associate to ask before embarking on test.

As for the gearbox line, that’s a whole new discussion! Although the best practical explanation I’ve seen is in the chapter on Position, Timing and Speed in John Lyon’s Porsche Driving Book.



991 posts

226 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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You might enjoy the book by Bob Bondurant?

My 'track day' driver has not yet returned it so I don't have the ISBN ref or the title...I got it from Amazon.


PS - link to Bobs page - I have his OK to use any of the articles for IAM use.,269&sid=269

>> Edited by BOF on Tuesday 4th October 12:53


852 posts

232 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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7db said:
Which of the three would you say is more rewarding to you now?

HPC by a long chalk.


852 posts

232 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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I've only just passed my first anniversary in the club so haven't been on that many events. Although I am going to the Northumberland Weekend the week after next.

I did think about doing my bike test but have come to the conclusion that they are just not for me.

No doubt I'll see you at an event soon.



6,058 posts

233 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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volvos70t5 said:

7db said:
Which of the three would you say is more rewarding to you now?

HPC by a long chalk.

Jolly good. Out with StressedDave on Monday.