Does anyone use speed camera detectors anymore?

Does anyone use speed camera detectors anymore?



Original Poster:

357 posts

164 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Back in the day, speed camera detectors were pretty common and relatively cheap. With the constant change in camera technology and the fact that the UK roads are littered with all manner of fixed cameras, average speed cameras and camera vans, does anyone use detectors any longer and if so, have any recommendations.
Before all the trolls jump in, I’m not planning a Cannonball Run, I just want to avoid any issues while making reasonable progress on our roads!


438 posts

161 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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By the time the detector has registered a camera, the camera has already got your speed.


574 posts

201 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Road Angel. Flags up fixed cameras and legal positions of scamera vans using GPS. You can set the device to give warning when 1K away from camera. I find it most useful for showing speed limits (which are updated regularly, although they've lost the plot on a lot of 20 limits) and a heads up road speed.
At 1K, with bends in between it is highly unlikely to get you before you slow down. Except on a motorway........from a bridge. Also has a function for smart motorways, with real time speed limit changes and closed lanes.


6,378 posts

271 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Fried of mine had this (Angel) for years, still got done, apparently. I suggested not speeding?

I'm not holier than thou, have done daft speeds on bikes and in cars but only very occasionally never got a ticket. If you habitually speed all the time, suck it up. ETA wink

Edited by sixor8 on Wednesday 13th December 16:51


Original Poster:

357 posts

164 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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My BMW M340i has the add on for fixed cameras and the head up display shows the speed limits and shows what the next limit is as you get close to it, so no excuse for getting caught. I guess that we have had the best years of motoring and now just have to trundle around in very capable cars, at motorway speed limits introduced 58 years ago!


19,130 posts

208 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Most sat nav apps gives speed limits, current speed and fixed camera sites.


1,236 posts

86 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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I used to have a Road Angel unit but technology's moved on, with GPS on phones now. I still have a lifetime CamerAlert subscription which I very rarely use on my phone

As mentioned, navigation apps such Waze can be configured for camera and speed limit alerts.

Timothy Bucktu

15,386 posts

203 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Google maps tells you where fixed and mobile cameras are, plus real time alerts from other drivers. It's pretty accurate too.

Dog Star

16,241 posts

171 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Sigmamark7 said:
I guess that we have had the best years of motoring and now just have to trundle around in very capable cars, at motorway speed limits introduced 58 years ago!
Yep. I can’t even be bothered anymore. Even on my bike I’ll just burble along under the limit. I’ve simply had enough of the stress of driving/riding with my eyes on stalks trying to spot the camera/van/copper/unmarked car and now there are the DCWs to contend with.

Went on a trip up north to Durham area last week and I just sat at about 62 on the A1/M1 - just enough to keep out of the clutches of tailgating trucks. I have to say it was a really relaxing drive.

Wacky Racer

38,479 posts

250 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Dog Star said:
Sigmamark7 said:
I guess that we have had the best years of motoring and now just have to trundle around in very capable cars, at motorway speed limits introduced 58 years ago!
Yep. I can’t even be bothered anymore. Even on my bike I’ll just burble along under the limit. I’ve simply had enough of the stress of driving/riding with my eyes on stalks trying to spot the camera/van/copper/unmarked car and now there are the DCWs to contend with.

Went on a trip up north to Durham area last week and I just sat at about 62 on the A1/M1 - just enough to keep out of the clutches of tailgating trucks. I have to say it was a really relaxing drive.

Why the big rush to get everywhere? driving

I could understand it if your bird was about to give birth on your back seat and you were on your way to the maternity hospital.


304 posts

9 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Hell yes. Detectors are usually a mix of radar and gps these days, and are very handy in my view given the differing technologies HMRC the po po seem to use. Amazing amount of investment they put into collecting the speeding tax, but plenty of counter measures are available, just look at the LEJOG guy, so many brakist posters on here spewing their usual bile and yet he still got away with it.


2,097 posts

65 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Sigmamark7 said:
My BMW M340i has the add on for fixed cameras and the head up display shows the speed limits and shows what the next limit is as you get close to it, so no excuse for getting caught. I guess that we have had the best years of motoring and now just have to trundle around in very capable cars, at motorway speed limits introduced 58 years ago!
Limits that when set 58 years we had probably 1/4 9f current traffic levels 🤣


6,557 posts

67 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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stanlow45 said:
so many brakist posters on here spewing their usual bile and yet he still got away with it.

Could you point out any bile in this thread?

Wacky Racer

38,479 posts

250 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Chris32345 said:
Sigmamark7 said:
My BMW M340i has the add on for fixed cameras and the head up display shows the speed limits and shows what the next limit is as you get close to it, so no excuse for getting caught. I guess that we have had the best years of motoring and now just have to trundle around in very capable cars, at motorway speed limits introduced 58 years ago!
Limits that when set 58 years we had probably 1/4 of current traffic levels ??
You are looking at this the wrong way round,

If the motorways are virtually empty it makes sense to relax the speed limit, maybe up to 80..

If they are chock a block, like they are most of the time in 2023 70mph is fair enough. Most of the time you are lucky to do 50 near towns.

I don't have an issue with any speed limit, providing it it sensible and fair.


4,333 posts

37 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Unfortunately the laws of physics don't change when a road is less crowded, so although there may be fewer collisions overall any benefit would be outweighed by the greater injuries and fatalities.


9 posts

20 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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I use the app called waze it’s brilliant, you can click it when you see police and everyone sees it . Saved me lots of times . Like Google maps but much better


3,447 posts

115 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Timothy Bucktu said:
Google maps tells you where fixed and mobile cameras are, plus real time alerts from other drivers. It's pretty accurate too.
Mine doesn’t (not sure why) I use Waze because it shows speed limit and gives out warnings for cameras and police


13,199 posts

103 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Chris32345 said:
Sigmamark7 said:
My BMW M340i has the add on for fixed cameras and the head up display shows the speed limits and shows what the next limit is as you get close to it, so no excuse for getting caught. I guess that we have had the best years of motoring and now just have to trundle around in very capable cars, at motorway speed limits introduced 58 years ago!
Limits that when set 58 years we had probably 1/4 9f current traffic levels ??
Yes, but consider how much car performance has improved in all areas. In 1965 the best selling car was an Austin 1100. A car with 48 BHP, drums on the rear, and a top speed of 80mph. At the NSL one of these would be at approaching 90% of what it could muster.

The best selling car (so far) of 2023 Is the Ford Puma. The entry level engine on these is 125bhp, discs all round and a 122mph top speed. This is before considering traction control, ABS, and numerous other developments cars feature.

Using the 90%of top speed point would come out at about 110mph. Taking in to account the extra traffic levels, wouldn't a half way point increase of 90mph not seem reasonable? Even in America, the most litigious country in the world, some states have an 85mph limit.

Edited by Fermit on Saturday 16th December 13:13


11,588 posts

287 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Hogan88 said:
I use the app called waze it’s brilliant, you can click it when you see police and everyone sees it . Saved me lots of times . Like Google maps but much better
Indeed. It's very good for fixed cameras and average speed zones, but isn't infallible for camera vans that move about - you need someone to have already gone past it and reported it in the app - there's been a couple of times I've been making progress on empty roads during weekend mornings and been surprised by an unannounced van (although not caught by either, I assume my eyes have better range than their cameras).

Edit to Add: The biggest problem with Waze's Police alerting is that f-wits report Highways Agency SUVs sitting in the motorway refuges as Police.

Edited by Truckosaurus on Saturday 16th December 14:32


304 posts

9 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Sporky said:
stanlow45 said:
just look at the LEJOG guy, so many brakist posters on here spewing their usual bile and yet he still got away with it.

Could you point out any bile in this thread?
Context as always most important but give it time I'm sure the brakists will make it through to this thread soon... laugh

The LEJOG thread was hilarious as some of the loons on there clearly wanted him hanged drawn and quartered.

Others recognised it for the spectacular achievement it was. Think he went on to do the Cannonball after that..