How to navigate a .gpx file?

How to navigate a .gpx file?



Original Poster:

57 posts

222 months

Thursday 24th June 2021
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I have a .gpx file and wish to follow the route with turn by turn navigation on my iPhone and if I come off the route it will take me back to it sensibly (in the destination direction)
There doesn't seem to be a way to do this .....which I find really odd!
Does anyone know of a solution please?


11,577 posts

294 months

Friday 25th June 2021
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Which bit can't you do?
  • Can't use the GPX file on the iPhone?
  • Can't divert & replan automatically?
  • or both?
I'd have though the former would be due to not having an app that reads that format; and the 2nd would be down to the app your are using/trying to use.

It's why I prefer to use a standalone sat-nav (older TomTom or Garmin) where I can plan offline (in Tyre) and import the route, and import (good/up-to-date) speed camera alerts and custom POIs (the systems in my cars don't allow this, nor does Apple/Google/Waze maps on the iPhone - without running a 2nd/3rd app in the background which tends not to work in most cases).


673 posts

117 months

Sunday 27th June 2021
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You can now do that with the TomTom app on an iPhone. There are some steps to go through. Save the Gpx so that you can find it in Files.
In Safari go to Once the page has loaded tap the AA at the left side of the bar where the web address is displayed and select “Request Desktop Website”. Log in to your TomTom account. Tap on My Routes on the bar of icons on the left and tap on Import Gpx. Once the file has been imported select it and slide the “Sync this route as a track with my devices” switch. You can now leave this page and open the TomTom app. Your new route should be listed in My Routes. Select it and away you go. If you are not at the start of the route you will get the option to navigate to either the start or the nearest point. Choose appropriately.


40,559 posts

227 months

Sunday 27th June 2021
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Yep, TomTom GO app does what you want.
You can load .gpx files from mydrive into 'My routes' in the app on the phone & if you stray off course it will get you back on route (with traffic & speed camera warnings in built).