Cheep dash cam



Original Poster:

1,545 posts

258 months

Monday 31st August 2020
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Anybody any experience of £30 dash cams . i have an Amazon voucher and have no interest in spending much on a unit but would give a cheep one a go , but is it worth it ?


2,347 posts

97 months

Monday 31st August 2020
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Might only cost £30
But I think it'll eat a lot of seed!
Cheep Cheep.

Fore Left

1,540 posts

193 months

Monday 31st August 2020
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I tend to think they're going to be low quality with poor night vision and questionable reliability. Take a look here for recommendations and put the extra towards one;

That said, this gets recommended for £30 (on Amazon)


2,393 posts

119 months

Tuesday 15th September 2020
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Is it a new car? iDrive7 now has AA which I am running just fine on my 3 series. It's part of the latest update.