Look what I am fitting

Look what I am fitting



Original Poster:

901 posts

256 months

Friday 2nd November 2007
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Nice and easy so far !


2,244 posts

212 months

Friday 2nd November 2007
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plasticman said:
Nice and easy so far !
Assume you mean pre-oiler with nylon cam cover?
Does it feel/ sound different?



2,508 posts

289 months

Friday 2nd November 2007
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I'm keen to hear more detailed info on this, will this solve our Sp6 problem or not? It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Well the problem at the top of the list anyway smile


3,324 posts

246 months

Friday 2nd November 2007
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Whitey said:
It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Research into what they think they can get away with charging will be as far as it will go.......rofl


Original Poster:

901 posts

256 months

Saturday 3rd November 2007
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Assume you mean pre-oiler with nylon cam cover?
Does it feel/ sound different?

I have to admit I have hardly driven the T350 in the last couple of months and as I did the tappets while the cover was off any difference in sound was imperceptible to me ( but my 350 is very loud !) The only real difference I am expecting is a longer life for the topend and less mastic in the filters as there is now a proper gasket .


311 posts

208 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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has anyone got price and availability info for this,cheers


6,453 posts

231 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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Daftlad said:
Whitey said:
It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Research into what they think they can get away with charging will be as far as it will go.......rofl
you really are a daftlad


3,324 posts

246 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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trackcar said:
Daftlad said:
Whitey said:
It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Research into what they think they can get away with charging will be as far as it will go.......rofl
you really are a daftlad
I'm no more daft than you are, so prey, tell me why that statement is so wrong?

My logic in making the statement is based around the amount of money people have been over charged to do S6 work in general - very badly in many many cases, and the fact that so much rebuild work has been undertaken unnecessary work as a consequence of the lack of ability the builders have?

I am maybe being too generic in my criticism - if I am I apologise.

Edited by Daftlad on Monday 5th November 09:26

Far Eastender

1,361 posts

223 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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Is this pre-oiler tried and tested?


6,453 posts

231 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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Daftlad said:
trackcar said:
Daftlad said:
Whitey said:
It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Research into what they think they can get away with charging will be as far as it will go.......rofl
you really are a daftlad
I'm no more daft than you are, so prey, tell me why that statement is so wrong?

My logic in making the statement is based around the amount of money people have been over charged to do S6 work in general - very badly in many many cases, and the fact that so much rebuild work has been undertaken unnecessary work as a consequence of the lack of ability the builders have?

I am maybe being too generic in my criticism - if I am I apologise.

Edited by Daftlad on Monday 5th November 09:26
Your post semed to imply it was a money-making excercise .. if you knew anything about raceproved you'd know how wide of the mark and ill-judged your comment is.


595 posts

231 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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Daftlad said:
trackcar said:
Daftlad said:
Whitey said:
It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Research into what they think they can get away with charging will be as far as it will go.......rofl
you really are a daftlad
I'm no more daft than you are, so prey, tell me why that statement is so wrong?

My logic in making the statement is based around the amount of money people have been over charged to do S6 work in general - very badly in many many cases, and the fact that so much rebuild work has been undertaken unnecessary work as a consequence of the lack of ability the builders have?

I am maybe being too generic in my criticism - if I am I apologise.

Edited by Daftlad on Monday 5th November 09:26
As someone who's overpaid idiots to abuse my naivety in the past I have a curiosity John. My car is now in the careful hands of ex-TVR engine builders and employees and ready to roll. I have now seen with my own eyes the amount the SP6 has been evolved by TVR between 2000 and 2006. Consequently I now have a brand new 2006 engine in my car. I've also seen how badly ripped off I was by TVRCraft. You live and learn. All along John, you have been consistent, confident (almost to the point of smugness) and as it turns out, right. Having had someone very informed talk me through the six years of mods on the engine I can see where your confidence comes from. My question is though, was this knowledge what gave you the belief that you were right? And if so why didn't you explain your position more openly? Just curious.

Edited by S6 SFX on Monday 5th November 10:03


3,324 posts

246 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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trackcar said:
Daftlad said:
trackcar said:
Daftlad said:
Whitey said:
It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Research into what they think they can get away with charging will be as far as it will go.......rofl
you really are a daftlad
I'm no more daft than you are, so prey, tell me why that statement is so wrong?

My logic in making the statement is based around the amount of money people have been over charged to do S6 work in general - very badly in many many cases, and the fact that so much rebuild work has been undertaken unnecessary work as a consequence of the lack of ability the builders have?

I am maybe being too generic in my criticism - if I am I apologise.

Edited by Daftlad on Monday 5th November 09:26
Your post semed to imply it was a money-making excercise .. if you knew anything about raceproved you'd know how wide of the mark and ill-judged your comment is.
I edited my comment with reference to being generic before you posted. Too many TVR folk are keen to get things to market before they are ready and leave the punter to pick up the pieces and be charged again by someone else (depite being charged an extortionate amount in the first place). THe cynics amongst us may even suggest that TVR themselves were masters of that same sharp shortsighted business parctice

Raceproven may or may not fall into that category - I've not knowingly used them yet - have they had problems with their products failing in service beyond waht would be considered the norm for failure - clutches perhaps??

YHM shortly.

Edited by Daftlad on Monday 5th November 10:18


6,453 posts

231 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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Daftlad said:
trackcar said:
Daftlad said:
trackcar said:
Daftlad said:
Whitey said:
It seems to have been in the pipeline for some time, so I guess they are doing decent research on it before unleashing it to us.

Research into what they think they can get away with charging will be as far as it will go.......rofl
you really are a daftlad
I'm no more daft than you are, so prey, tell me why that statement is so wrong?

My logic in making the statement is based around the amount of money people have been over charged to do S6 work in general - very badly in many many cases, and the fact that so much rebuild work has been undertaken unnecessary work as a consequence of the lack of ability the builders have?

I am maybe being too generic in my criticism - if I am I apologise.

Edited by Daftlad on Monday 5th November 09:26
Your post semed to imply it was a money-making excercise .. if you knew anything about raceproved you'd know how wide of the mark and ill-judged your comment is.
I edited my comment with reference to being generic before you posted. Too many TVR folk are keen to get things to market before they are ready and leave the punter to pick up the pieces and be charged again by someone else (depite being charged an extortionate amount in the first place). THe cynics amongst us may even suggest that TVR themselves were masters of that same sharp shortsighted business parctice

Raceproven may or may not fall into that category - I've not knowingly used them yet - have they had problems with their products failing in service beyond waht would be considered the norm for failure - clutches perhaps??

YHM shortly.

Edited by Daftlad on Monday 5th November 10:18
Unlike many suppliers, Raceproved are an engineering firm, and they have an active follow-up policy for anyone having problems, which fortunately is very few smile There have been reports of a small number of failures but these are limited to a third party supplier for relining a small number of the friction plates and a handful of slave leaks (or apparent leaks, more later).

On the friction linings, the few plates out there which created a problem were replaced at Raceproved's expense, as far as i am aware no customer was left out of pocket, compare and contrast with what happens with the TVR fitment and you'll already see a notable difference in the aftersales approaches. Raceproved have now engineered their own tooling for the manufacture of the friction plates to cut out the so-called professionals messing that part up.

The supposed slave cylinder leaks were found to be not the slave cylinder. I have an hydraulic test bed in my workshop where I can cycle the slave cylinder system at the equivalent of 4 pedal presses per second! I can leave the test bed running for hours if i need to .. at no point have i found a raceproved slave leaking, but I have found stripped bellhousing threads and badly fitted slaves where the bellhousing isn't cleaned out fully before reassembly, that's not a raceproved fault it's a fitting fault and would have happened with any subsequent slave cylinder fitted.

There are well over 400 raceproved slaves out there now and whilst they wouldn't claim them to be fit and forget, they are a significant improvement in relaibility over the OE fitment both on the test bed and in the real world environment, we know this from the testing carried out for the past four years of raceproved slave cylinder evolutions. Raceproved own a Cerbera and Tuscan for testing purposes and both cars are driven with testing in mind, ie they get driven as TVR intended ( UK track days, nurburgring, dyno time, drag strip days etc etc) as well as the usual in-town commuter driving that's hard on clutches anyway. Raceproved are also in touch with the prominent engine builders so also know about the upgrades to the SP6 engines through their life. Russell from raceproved and I meet usually twice a week to discuss development items so I know a bit about how much effort is put into product development, and also the time and financial investment involved in design, tooling and testing.

As always on internet forums, there's a lot of mis-information.

I take on board your points about people getting shafted by unscrupulous companies, I myself have fallen foul of that situation as you may well know, but raceproved are so so far from an unscrupulous company.

Edited by trackcar on Monday 5th November 11:11


3,324 posts

246 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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Nice to hear Jules. I may want to replace the clutch in the Sagaris soon so nice to here so much has gone into providing upgraded parts. (Two seasons of sprinting, hillclimbing and trackdays on soft rubber are taking their toll on the clutch me thinks).

I have driven a Sagaris with a Raceproved clutch and slave fitted and it was a huge improvement (felt like a different gerabox!) over standard.

Nice of Raceproved to help out at the weekend too, not many would lend a hand that far!! On the diff front, have you tried a cooler. The original Tuscan Race Cars had diff problems and cooler fitment cured most of them (nice neat installation with an electric circ pump worked wonders!)


6,453 posts

231 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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A cooler with it's associated increase in oil capacity and ability to keep the temp down is my preferred route


137 posts

213 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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6,453 posts

231 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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cheers brian .. will definately go the cooler route for next season then. remember me to clare.. hope all is well at dreadnought smile


3,324 posts

246 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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trackcar said:
cheers brian .. will definately go the cooler route for next season then. remember me to clare.. hope all is well at dreadnought smile
Jools, staying off topic - what do you think is causing the heat in the diff? 20-25 very hard minutes on track with 10 mins break then out again in a Sagaris gives no problem??


357 posts

219 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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1 question. How much is the pre-oiler nylon head?


6,453 posts

231 months

Monday 5th November 2007
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Daftlad said:
trackcar said:
cheers brian .. will definately go the cooler route for next season then. remember me to clare.. hope all is well at dreadnought smile
Jools, staying off topic - what do you think is causing the heat in the diff? 20-25 very hard minutes on track with 10 mins break then out again in a Sagaris gives no problem??
to be honest I don't know! my old S survives an hour or more on track, admittedly not at proper racing speeds but i try not to hang about if i can! .. I don know that wen big toy cerbera was having it's ohlins and slicks put to full use on track topcats did a dif cooler conversion to that car, so there must be something .. possibly the effect of hte race stresses are compounded by us running thecars very low with splitters which prevent cooling air from going under the car.