Any chance of a 'positive only' Speed Six forum Ted?

Any chance of a 'positive only' Speed Six forum Ted?


the pits

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4,289 posts

245 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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That way the moaners and people who don't and won't have a S6 car can all whinge together on here. This place is starting to get me down!

When I was just an ordinary car spod, before I came to pistonheads, I had no idea about all the S6 negativity that festers here and around the TVRCCs. I never expected a TVR engine to be engineered like a Honda but who in their right mind would? Anyone would think the sun shone out of the AJP8's exhausts. I'm sure the truth was far from rosy. I'm getting the distinct impression that much of the anti S6 brigade are in reality passionate V8 types who are throwing their toys out of the pram in the direction of TVR and the S6 in particular. Be happy and keep or buy your 'bullet proof' AJP8 or RV8 I say.

What worries me is that, had I come to pistonheads first, I may well have been put off buying my Sagaris based on the stuff you read here and the bizarre efforts made by people who don't own one to come here and slag it off.

And that would be a great shame because I'd have missed out on the most excting and enjoyable year with a car I've ever had. And I'd still be ragging the daylights out of a Honda S2000 wishing for more power, better steering and less weight.


55 posts

246 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Brilliant idea

When this Speed 6 engine section was first introduced it was widely expected that it would deteriorate into the mess a good percentage of it is today.

I believe the biggest problem is that if you only briefly read this section and the dross then you can easily miss all of the very informative stuff.



10,857 posts

272 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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All good points the pits, but as a future potential owner, surely:

1) Speed Six engine issues are well documented.

2) Pistonheads is *THE* resource for buying a TVR, regradless of engine type. A read of the forums and you'd sure as hell be buying with your eyes wide open.

3) From what I read, the issues with the engine now seem to be solvable, regardless of what route you take (be it TVR Power / Mellings company).

On the basis of point 3, I would suggest that a Speed 6 engined car, particularly an early one, at the moment represents something of a steal. As long as you have the moola put aside for a rebuild should you need one, once you have the remedial work done, you would then have a fabulous car that would be correctly engineered (as indeed it should have been).

Don't get me wrong, I'm a casual observer / potential future owner.



294 posts

245 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Hi Pits.

I agree with an awful lot of your post here - as you may know my Cerb is fresh back from TVR Craft. I bought at 16,000 miles in the full knowledge that I may well have to invest in the engine which I have subsequently done at 26,000 miles - before any mechanical failure I hasten to add.

I looked at all the options, made my decision and got on with it - end of. I'll keep people updated on progress as 2006 unfolds.

To be honest we've been around the block on the S6's life so many times I've become a little apathetic and don't comment too often now - there's a whole lot of things I've learnt through my association with TVR Craft most of which I choose to keep to myself. At the end of the day we can all speculate but I think there are relatively few folk on here who have made a genuine effort to get balanced views and info.

I also believe that we spend far too much time moaning and not enough time celebrating the highs of S6 ownership. I guess it's human nature to complain more than to share good experiences (just check out the TV & Newspapers every day!) so we really ought to try and keep things in perspective. That said, I agree with your point that casual visitors to the forum may well be scared senseless by some of the comments/mis-representations.

I believe that the best way to view the situation is that new/nearly new buyers get the reassurance of a 3yr warranty whilst buyers of earlier cars have the opportunity to own exotic supercar slaying sports cars at mondeo money! Yes they may require money spent on them but you have to look at the overall package.

I hope that TVR under NS are focussed on ensuring the longevity and reliability of new models and that in a few years time we refer to the 'teething problems' (please don't think I'm making light of those who have experienced problems here) of early S6 cars as we now do with early AJP8s.


chris watton

22,478 posts

265 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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I too used to be a staunch V8 enthusiast, until, that is, I test drove a Tamora! I read EVERY thread, good and bad about the S6 cars beforehand - one thing that became apparent was that the 'anti S6 brigade' were, in reality, very few in numbers, but very vocal, 'contributing' to every S6 thread which had the mearest hint of negativity. I looked at the members register and noticed a lot of S6 owners, who seem to be very happy, so I did sell my Chim and bought a Tam. In the near two years that I have owned it, I have loved it, I genuinelly would not swap it for anything else at this moment in time, and I most certainly could if I so wished.
I bought mine for around £27K in early 2004, I know it has depreciated, but I didnt buy it as a monetary investment, I bought it as an investment in fun and thrills, and on that score, it has paid me back 100 fold.
Most happy S6 owners don't seem to post anymore, due to the constant negative (and, as we have seen in the past) unfounded and totally made up comments regarding the S6, only a few of actually still say we're happy with the cars we own, for that we get stick! No wonder some forums arn't as vibrant as they used to be!
And, for the record, my next car will be a S6 engined beast too, rebuild or not, I love the sensations attached to owning/driving these cars too much to be put off by petty hearsay!

sideways mostly

2,681 posts

246 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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I can't think of a positive and reasonable motivation for posting on the Ferrari or Porsche forums slagging of their cars and I would never dream of doing it- and they do have issues as is well documented. There are no positive motivations-its just dumb arsed irrational posturing and needling.

I have no problems with informed fact based debate and learn a great deal from it-some of these threads start out really well and it is clear that many contributions are motivated by a passion for TVR of any type.This sort of input is very rewarding to read.


There are a minority of people who want to prove that the Speed Six is crap and that is the beggining and the end of their intent.They are very vocal and very persistent and not only are they spoiling what was a great forum for debate,really deeply pissing off a lot of Speed Six owners they are also F*cking over TVR at a point in its history when it has a real chance of building on the Wheeler heratige.

So what if they can't afford a TVR,think TVR's should be V8 powered or think it should be British owned- whatever the motivation. They should not be allowed to deliberately cause anger,frustration and damage to the brand.

I am seroiusly considering walking away from the whole cynical mess.


P.S. Ted I don't mean this as a criticism of Pistonheads.Its by far the best designed and manged website I have ever used and when I found it I was delighted-the Speed Six forum was a great move and good on you for trying to constrain the problem

>> Edited by sideways mostly on Friday 6th January 14:30

>> Edited by sideways mostly on Friday 6th January 14:30

the pits

Original Poster:

4,289 posts

245 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Thanks to all,

it helps to know there are a few of us left then!

I fear though, while some of the negativity merely annoys me it's doing TVR and our residuals some serious harm. The V8 brigade definitely won't see a V8 in a TVR again if the company folds.

And don't get me started Chris on anti-Tamoraism! It's ridiculously underated.

By the way, ferraris need upwards of 4k spent on them every three years and that's when they're working properly!!!


564 posts

245 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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I've felt this first hand.

14 or so months ago I really wanted a Tamora, but being fresh to this site, i heeded it all as knowledgable advise and listened to it. 11th hour i got cold feet, went to the Porsche garage and bought a new Boxster S.

It's weird, but 6 months down the line I ended up parking next to a Tamora on a street in London somewhere and then literally couldnt' take my eyes off it! I'd forgotten just how good they looked, and when it fired up... wowzers! 4 months later I sold the porker and moved to the US for 3 months.. every single day reading the forums, but seeing through the Doom and Gloom. What struck me most was sheer pride (for want of a better word) of the owners with their cars, they way they (you guys!) described what it was like to get behind the wheel, and don't know why but knew you couldnt' be making it up!

Day after I touched down at heathrow I bought my T350 Targa, and so far despite niggles, i'm thrilled to bits by it.

So to sum up, if you're thinking about going for it, do your home-work, but don't let the doom and gloom mungers affect your decision.

>> Edited by Jamassey on Friday 6th January 15:06

sideways mostly

2,681 posts

246 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Too bloody right mate-but I fear there are many more who were put of for good.


5,015 posts

289 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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In danger of being percieved of negative.... hopefully pragmatic.

There seem to be 2 issus mixed together with the S6 new cars vs older unrebuilt cars....

I believe that consensus could be achieved that early cars (say 2000 - 2002) suffered issues with the engine that were down to issues with the S6, design/faulty componenents, build process, etc, whatever, possibly a mixture, has been covered and we will proabbaly never know for sure for obvious reasons....

Tvr now have a new owner, TVR are trying to put this behind them ( we will have to agree to differ how some of these earlier cars owners were treated by TVR - 2 personal friends included, WHO i KNOW have perfect mechanical sympathy and don't thrash cars)

We now have NS era cars, with 3 year warranties, new car mileages seem to be higher, with no reported problems, with no rebuild issues, bar the odd friday car (any manufacturer can have) WHICH have been sorted out. So a new TVR, or one covered by the new new/used warranties, in my mind is a reasonable deal for the preformnace looks, etc.. in fact in much better shape/reputation when i bought my first griff (93- very much perecieved as a glorified kit car company then)

So all to the good,

where we might differ is in answering questions from newbies, to i've heard issues with s6 should i buy oine is ask 2 questions.

New or used?

A brand new car with warranty from main dealer is a very different proposition risk, to a 2000 car, unrebuilt, with v low mileage (<15k), sketchy history biught privately...

If used how old?

ie a 2001 car that has done a very low mileage, ie a toy, kept in a garge, does have a good chance (if unrebuilt, of needing one, imho)

Just as dealers used too be VERY wary of early cereberas (for similar reasons), caution is required

Hopefully, as in the other forums, chims/griffs, cerbs, where everyone says to this sort of question, BUY on condition, get an inspection by a tvr specialist, perhaps worth saving a bit more, taking time to find thge right car, vs a bargain, then you will enjoy it more. ie to buy a cheaper car than my griff, might save a few thousand, to get it in the same condition, will cost several, so false economy (by the way my griff is worthless - as only worth something if you sell it. )

So I for one would recommend 1 or 2 new main dealers over others (as I'm sure everyone could with any car manufacturuer) buy new/used Tuscan mk 2, sagaris, tam, t350, from these guys and you should be more than allright.

If on a lower budget, buyer beware, Bargains and risks out there.

Personally I hope they do bring back a V8, AS WELL AS the SUPERCHARGED S6 that has been rumoured.

So the problem we might have is we need 2 s6 threads, OLDER ones, vs newer ones, to talk about, inform, and discuss things, to reflect 2 stages in tvr's history, because the used car market is EQUALLY important as the new FIRST owner market, to many people.


>> Edited by bjwoods on Friday 6th January 15:22

the pits

Original Poster:

4,289 posts

245 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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glad to hear your story had a happy ending Jamassey.

Great though I'm sure the Boxter must have been. I'll wager it wasn't as exciting as your T350.

I wasn't really proposing a different forum for positive comments, just letting off steam. This thread has already made me feel a lot better so thanks to all!

I for one have a peach of a Sagaris and the whole of continental Europe to play in this year. Can't wait.

>> Edited by the pits on Friday 6th January 16:30

chris watton

22,478 posts

265 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Jamassey said:
I've felt this first hand.

14 or so months ago I really wanted a Tamora, but being fresh to this site, i heeded it all as knowledgable advise and listened to it. 11th hour i got cold feet, went to the Porsche garage and bought a new Boxster S.

It's weird, but 6 months down the line I ended up parking next to a Tamora on a street in London somewhere and then literally couldnt' take my eyes off it! I'd forgotten just how good they looked, and when it fired up... wowzers! 4 months later I sold the porker and moved to the US for 3 months.. every single day reading the forums, but seeing through the Doom and Gloom. What struck me most was sheer pride (for want of a better word) of the owners with their cars, they way they (you guys!) described what it was like to get behind the wheel, and don't know why but knew you couldnt' be making it up!

Day after I touched down at heathrow I bought my T350 Targa, and so far despite niggles, i'm thrilled to bits by it.

So to sum up, if you're thinking about going for it, do your home-work, but don't let the doom and gloom mungers affect your decision.

>> Edited by Jamassey on Friday 6th January 15:06

, nice post

Some of us don't make it up, how we feel about our cars, why would we? If I was underwhelmed with mine, I certainly would not sing its praises on a puplic forum, what would be the point?
I do believe that, due to me liking my car so much, I have never once felt the need to go onto another marque's forum (or even TVR V8 forum), to give them a 'slagging', if an unfortunate poster is asking for help or is having trouble with his/her car - its a mentality I don't understand. I feel that if you are genuinelly happy with your own car, you wouldn't even think of slagging someone elses off (unless heavily provoked!)
When I sing my car's praises, I am sometimes shot down, saying I go through S6 ownership through rose tinted spectacles, despite me never having an issue with my car throughout my ownership thus far, and despite using it everyday. I think most S6 owners know the score, we went into this with our eyes wide open, we certainly do not bury our heads in the sand regarding potential problems we 'may' have to sort at some stage, I dont want to live my life worrying about 'what ifs', so far, that philosophy has paid off.


3,474 posts

262 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Far to many idiots on here nowadays, on my second Speed 6( you know that DOG of an engine) car in 40 months in fact i now own TWO Speed 6 cars Tuscan and Tamora, i try not to get involved with the Speed 6 bashers, after all, the shite was written 4 years ago, it didn`t put me off then and it won`t now It`s a shame because some threads can be very informative, however i`m reluctant to contribute my 3 1/2 year Speed 6 experiences any more What Speed 6 owners need is a site that can`t be accessed by Ford Escort owners, unfortunately the hard core ToG members appear to have disappeared too


23,563 posts

241 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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I was with you Pits till the anti-Tamorism. Its ugly. EOF.

As for the engine though...its a kewl unit once you get the engine temp up above 50degrees and plant your foot. Made a convert of me.


2,431 posts

230 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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This post and the 'post 2002 Speed 6' thread are music to my ears. Still not convinced that new is a great investment but spring is coming

Having no experience at all with the S6 engine what would I be looking for (listening for) when looking at a used Tuscan S? I assume the approved warranty is the way to go?



1,537 posts

288 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Hello, I'm still lurking, still love my Tuscan and the one I had before it.
I've now commuted in one every day in one for 4.5 years, and attended loads
of very enjoyable track days.

Second hand they really are a steal.




13,330 posts

235 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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unrepentant said:
I have on behalf of all SP6 owners and genuine enthusiasts done a survey of PH members cars. I have included all Tuscans, T350's and Tamoras but not Saggys or Tuscan 2's on the grounds that they are too new and owners will still be "honeymooning". I have also not included Cerbie SP6's s they are mixed in with the other Cerbies.

This survey has been of owners satisfaction based on the thumbs up and thumbs down button on the "my car" section of each members profile. On the basis that disgruntled owners tend to shout loudest and given the feeling on here that SP6 owners have a lot to be disgruntled about you would expect a large showing for the "thumbs down" brigade. the results are as follows;

Happy 503

Unhappy 26

In addition 87 people couldn't be arsed to click the relevant button.

So for all the negativity on here only 26 owners who expressed an opinion were dissatisfied with their SP6 engined cars, against 503 who were happy!!! Which proves what many of us have been saying all along - nearly all the negativity comes from non owners. Perhaps they can stop now.

Its a good idea to get an overall view, but there is a missing factor. I have never been unhappy with a car and kept it... What I am saying is, many of the people who were unhappy with their car got rid of it!


13,330 posts

235 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Whilst the starting of a 'positive only' speed6 forum obviously is a good sentiment, I dont think logically the execution of it would have much point.

I seem to remember about 6 months ago, the Speed6 forum was started specificlly because some Tuscan owners did not want to hear about engine problems, griping and 'V8 or SP6' debates on the Tuscan forum. It was created from the request that Tuscan owners could read the positive aspects of Tuscan ownership without having to come across negativity.

It seems now, some of the same people who wanted to shift anything non complimentary about their car from the Speed Six forum to somewhere else. This seems very strange since the same people who didnt want to see/read negativity dow seem to be seeking it out!

So, what are we suggesting, a Speed 6 POSITIVE ONLY thread? That immediately suggests that the rest is not positive... So if someones engine is making a funny noise, and they want to ask advice, where do they go? It aint the positive one. Of course a potential buyer is going to see it that it is rather strange that the Positive forum has a few posts, and the Other forum is full of posts. After all, how many times can you post a specific: I love the sound of my sp6, or I love the smell of my sp6, I love the look of my sp6... I think it would become a bit forced and monotonous - there is plenty of space to put 'I love my Tuscan' in the Tuscan forum.

Whilst I do not deny that a very small proportion of the posters are anti-tvr by default, this is the place for debate. I must also say that through discussion about emotive subjects people do tend to polarise their views to the extreme. For someone like myself who is somewhere in the middle, after loving having a Tuscan, but not agreeing or enjoying some aspects of ownership, I must also say that as well as finding the 'slagging off' frustrating, what is just as frustrating are the posters who will support TVR blindly too.

But that is life. Some people have extreme views and a lot of people in the middle. We can choose if we want to sit next to someone with views we dislike on the bus, or we can even choose not to get on the bus. But to expect that person to get on another bus because you dont like seeing them is another thing altogether.

The other factor which I find a shame is that it is now seen that the complainers who are now devaluing the TVR marque singlehandedly. If someone has spent £5000 on a rebuilt they have every right to shout about it. TVR had every chance to sort the problem before the guy had the chance to shout... To say it is now these people who are devaluing the marque because they received the bad service in plainly rediculous.

chris watton

22,478 posts

265 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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unrepentant said:
I have on behalf of all SP6 owners and genuine enthusiasts done a survey of PH members cars. I have included all Tuscans, T350's and Tamoras but not Saggys or Tuscan 2's on the grounds that they are too new and owners will still be "honeymooning". I have also not included Cerbie SP6's s they are mixed in with the other Cerbies.

This survey has been of owners satisfaction based on the thumbs up and thumbs down button on the "my car" section of each members profile. On the basis that disgruntled owners tend to shout loudest and given the feeling on here that SP6 owners have a lot to be disgruntled about you would expect a large showing for the "thumbs down" brigade. the results are as follows;

Happy 503

Unhappy 26

In addition 87 people couldn't be arsed to click the relevant button.

So for all the negativity on here only 26 owners who expressed an opinion were dissatisfied with their SP6 engined cars, against 503 who were happy!!! Which proves what many of us have been saying all along - nearly all the negativity comes from non owners. Perhaps they can stop now.

Thanks for that Unrep , Oddly enough, I did the same thing when considering chopping in my Chim for a Tuscan/Tam, and came to the same conclusions, hence plumping for a Tam (not easy at all, deciding between a Tam or Tuscan!) never thought about posting it though, well done!


2,745 posts

236 months

Friday 6th January 2006
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Hi guys,
Ive only had my Tuscan since June but I drove a few V8 Cerbera's before I purchased as this was the car I intended to buy. One day I got a drive in then a shot of a Tuscan SP6 and that was me hooked. I thought the sp6 engine was a better alround package (FOR ME) than the V8, yes I read all the doom and gloom that had been posted on here but when you actually spoke face to face with people who OWNED SP6 they all raved about it.
I haven't regretted my desision for one minute and would highly recommend any SP6 engined car to anyone.
