03 Engine rebuild / purchasing thoughts

03 Engine rebuild / purchasing thoughts


Mustang Baz

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1,637 posts

239 months

Monday 1st August 2005
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First let me say I am going to try and keep this to the facts, as things can get emotive surrounding this issue. Also – this is a long post, so stop now if easily bored. However, I feel this is important to say to aid those currently considering a Tuscan Mk 1 purchase.

In April, after 5 months of online research, 2 mths of driving over half a dozen Tuscans and many e-mails/conversations with owners, I selected as new and as good a quality Tuscan as I could find - a late July 2003 registered, 3.6li Tuscan. This car underwent a full check by Rob Ingleby who felt it to be one of the best Tuscans he had driven, it went through a 12k service with tappets (@8k miles), and subsequently, some 1,500 miles after purchase, had another full tappet check at my own behest and with an alternative dealer. I feel I went into the purchase about as “eyes open” as anyone could have been, and deliberately looked to purchase as recent an example as possible.

I now find myself Tuscan-less, another individual to be impacted by the infamous cam lobe/finger-follower issue. In context, my car has done less than 11k miles, has been owned by only one other owner, and both of us have been absolutely fastidious about running in, temperatures, checking oil etc and timely servicing. I have used the car daily since purchase and have covered 4k miles without any real issue bar minor niggles.

Mustang Baz

Original Poster:

1,637 posts

239 months

Monday 1st August 2005
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(continued) In short, I feel I have been as careful as I could possibly have been, both through driving and through ensuring regular main-dealer servicing/checks.

My engine is now in Blackpool for what looks like a potential 2+ month sabbatical. I am very fortunate in that I am covered by the original 2 yr engine warranty (just!), and am cognizant that the rebuilt engine should return with new 2005 parts of (hopefully) a more robust parentage. However, this means I am without my TVR for the remainder of the summer – the time when I most wanted it – and have also had to cancel holiday plans overseas.

My point in all this? Basically that however hard you try to mitigate the potential of a Sp 6 going wrong – as I felt I had - things can go wrong way beyond your control. The relative youth (and engine size) of my car may also come as some alarm to people here, as it did to me. I have no regrets about my purchase – having enjoyed many hours of amazing experiences - but I really want to stress that if you are joining the proud ranks of owners here, make sure you have considered potential backup plans or funds to ensure a timely fix. My warranty – and a supportive dealer – alleviate much of the financial pain, but not the inconvenience, sheer frustration and dismay at this befalling me. My “eyes open” planning has resulted in a pair of black eyes…..

chris watton

22,478 posts

265 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2005
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Thank you for sharing that Baz
I do believe that if you buy one of these cars with bad parts in it, one day, no matter how many ££££s you pay for the best servicing and driving carefully, it will break. I have always believed that the factory has a duty to sort this out if it does go quickly and without any quibbling, as its not our fault, whether in warranty or not!
It is a horrible thought knowing you can spend upwards of £1K for even a basic service, and the car could still go pop anyway, this is something the factory should sort, not us!

Hope you get it back soon, and before summers end, or at least, we have an Indian summer!

Mustang Baz

Original Poster:

1,637 posts

239 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2005
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Thanks mate - appreciate the comments.

As regards information, I am still awaiting a response from a letter to TVR written two weeks ago. Not a word of news as regard timelines, support on cost now to be incurred in re-setting tracker etc etc). Really, really disappointing - this really is not rocket-science, just customer service which I would not have expected to have to chase personally.


10 posts

229 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2005
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5,015 posts

289 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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Mustang Baz said:
Thanks mate - appreciate the comments.

As regards information, I am still awaiting a response from a letter to TVR written two weeks ago. Not a word of news as regard timelines, support on cost now to be incurred in re-setting tracker etc etc). Really, really disappointing - this really is not rocket-science, just customer service which I would not have expected to have to chase personally.

Do you get a new 2 or 3 ? year warranty on the engine after the rebuild. Definetly best to get this in writing...

And IF they are rebuilding it to the same spec. Will it not go wrong again, ie built to same spec that went wrong?

Will they tell you what is different, so it won't need a rebuild next time?


Mustang Baz

Original Poster:

1,637 posts

239 months

Thursday 4th August 2005
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I wish I knew I have heard nothing from the factory whatsoever, but am expecting a minimum of a 1 yr warranty (standard on rebuilt engines)& payment of my 1k service costs. Will ask for an engineers report once rebuild completed.

Sorry if this, or my original post, appears negative to anyone reading; as my original post said, I have NO regrets about buying the car - just that being without my P&J is so very frustrating and compounded by the total lack of care shown by the manufacturer.


1,725 posts

233 months

Saturday 6th August 2005
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Hi Baz, Sorry to hear about your probs mate, real bitch but at least you managed to get job done on warranty. I guess the worst case would be a 25 month old car giving up. I just wondered how you knew the engine was worn, was it rattling or did you have an inspection just before time out!
My motor(8.5k) will be 2yrs on 1 sept and i will have HHC do a tappet/follower check just before to make sure all is well, This will cost 180 odd with another 1-200 if adj are needed. Bit exp but cheap compared to a rebuild. Worth noting HHC charge 45+vat/hr,-- TMS 75+vat/hr . This makes it cheaper to take car and wife to Harrogate and have a night in hotel(brownie points) tnan to tms at melton and come home.
Are TVR paying for engine out/in and transport or will you have a bill at the end ?
Service manager said 53 plate cars, no need to worry.
Hope they soon get you back on the road, Dave.


5,015 posts

289 months

Saturday 6th August 2005
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Won't you save some money on labour , if this is combined with your annual service (just before the 2 year date) - as you need to service at 6k intervals miles, or annualy to be in warranty anyway..


>> Edited by bjwoods on Saturday 6th August 16:17


1,725 posts

233 months

Sunday 7th August 2005
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Yeah, BJ, good point, only the engine was serviced in June just as i bought the car. This was 12 months (or 14 actually) from 1k service.(6.3k) Not sure wether the 1 yr runs from service or purchace date. Phoned the factory before i bought car and they seemed happy with servicing and said warranty should be intact, (nothing in writing mind)
Hope it doesnt need putting to the test !!
ttfn Dave.

>> Edited by R TOY on Sunday 7th August 23:33


5,015 posts

289 months

Monday 8th August 2005
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R TOY said:
Yeah, BJ, good point, only the engine was serviced in June just as i bought the car. This was 12 months (or 14 actually) from 1k service.(6.3k) Not sure wether the 1 yr runs from service or purchace date. Phoned the factory before i bought car and they seemed happy with servicing and said warranty should be intact, (nothing in writing mind)
Hope it doesnt need putting to the test !!
ttfn Dave.

>> Edited by R TOY on Sunday 7th August 23:33

Always get this sort of stuff in writing, -f anyone won't put it in writing, you have to ask why not.

Servicing is usually annually from the last one, not purchase dates, for warranty purposes.