

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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Those three letters!....
I could start mouthin off now and end up dyin of hunger .. so I won't.
My query is , has anybody recently run the gauntlet of not paying same??
Any stories out there of cars getting lifted in the night , or are we safe enough to leave a car a few weeks(months!) before toddling off down to the local VRO?
(Not that I , pillar of society that I am , would ever dream of such a dastardly deed...)


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Thursday 9th March 2006
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Well to put a smile on your faces , when I decided that I was going to get the Porsche I rang the VRT office to ask ABOUT how much it would cost , giving details of the car I had in mind. It took her three days to come up with the figure (But that's another story!) by which time , the car was sold and I had my eye on another , with about 10k more miles on it (same year etc).
She came back with a LARGER VRT figure , and when I questioned it she said (and I quote) " Look , if you can afford a porsche , you can afford the VRT!!!"


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Friday 10th March 2006
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Yeah , Marco , I've got that vrt calculator on my favourites list , but for some reason it DOESN'T list Porsches. Therefore if you need a quote to fit your budget say , you ring the vro and they e-mail an office in Rosslare (which , by the way , doesn't take calls from the great unwashed) , they then may or may not bother their arse responding , and if they do , the vro recipient of the e-mail may or may not bother his/her arse contacting you back.



Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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Irish said:
Did I mention I can take my car back VRT free?


Looking at a 99 C4 at the minute

NOT a 4??!!


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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Ha! Thought I'd 'wreck your head' for the crack!

Waiting with bated breath for your final decision....

>> Edited by ballcock on Saturday 11th March 21:29


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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Was only jokin ... Honest!


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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You'd have fun and games keepin the TV on the road in Ireland!! As you suggest , very little in the way of maintenance knowledge bout them here.
Re the 996 , you've got plenty on the wishlist , but I think you're right , esp. seein as this is your only VRT free shot.
You'll find it ..
(I do think the C2 drives and handles better)

By the way , are you flyin out of Dublin to Rome?

>> Edited by ballcock on Sunday 12th March 20:09


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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Hey , Irish .. have you had a look at RSJ recently ?.. There's a silver'01 C2 , clear lights , sound upgrade ,fpsh , GT3 wheels etc for just over 30k!! Only snag is milage is 62K .. Worth a look?? Bet you could haggle him down , and it'd be worth about $80k back here...

>> Edited by ballcock on Sunday 12th March 21:01