Tunnels in Dublin?



Original Poster:

1,653 posts

240 months

Friday 24th February 2006
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Since there will be a thread of TVR's heading through Dublin 9th/10th March for the Celtic Gathering in Killarney - are there any tunnels in Dublin worth rumbling through?


Original Poster:

1,653 posts

240 months

Saturday 25th February 2006
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Could be worth a visit - a sudden drop into second and hard push on the throttle could be just about right - 40 odd mph in the 'Gris in that gear produces a pretty feral howl - and the noise off tunnel walls would be worth having a recording of to ensure the kids go to bed on time!!!


Original Poster:

1,653 posts

240 months

Thursday 16th March 2006
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It was a brilliant weekend, and a great run down and back up: we left on the slowboat - not the HSS - on Monday.
Delighted with every aspect of the Gathering - a real feel good factor from all of it - full marks to Jerry and Jackie, what wonderful people!
(Had a strongly worded letter of complaint from the Killarney Council - they had to pay overtime for recovery of pieces of orange fibreglass on the road up to the Gap - and a fortune in postage to get it back to me. Now have the kids usefully employed on piecing together the jigsaw which comprises what used to be the underside of the Sagaris!!!!!!)