Moving to Ireland.



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222 months

Friday 24th February 2006
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So there i was, Novemember 2004 enjoying a lovely week of playing golf in Tennerife with the boys from work. On the last night thou it ALL changed and i met the girl of my dreams. (Come on i hear you all saying!! ). Well since then things have just got better and better relationship wise and coincidentally about 18 months away the company i work for is making a large number of redundancies which is an offer i simply cannot refuse!. So it looks as if my life is going to take me to Dublin.

I have two questions for you all which are about me bringing over with me my beloved 1999 E36 M3 , the only other love in my life and i just don't want to part with it!. The questions are....

A) What is actually involved in taking a car over to Ireland. Cost's (if any), reregistering, road taxing, Tracker coverage, MOT's etc etc.. The car will be staying in my possession so no need to worry about any resale issues.

For those of you that have done the journey because i haven't actually driven it yet but will have to soon......

B) Has anybody done the journey between London and Holyhead then over the water to Dun Laoghaire in Dublin (think that's the right spelling!) as i'll be driving fairly soon and need to know travelling times so i'm in time for my ferry.

Thanks for any help with this.



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5,974 posts

222 months

Sunday 26th February 2006
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Good effort guys, thanks for the information. Doesn't sound to be too much trouble, although i don't like the idea of the road tax costs...what are the Irish govement thinking, charging people over £1,000 a year just to have the car on the road, then there's a little matter of insurance which if the road tax is anything to judge things by its going to be very very expensive.
I wont have to worry about the issue of being taxed if i do sell the car because as i've previously said that's the only other love in my life (yes Michelle if your reading this there is another, but you already knew that ) and so long as i've a job, the M3 is a cracking motor!.

up-the-dubs said:

think we did it in about 5 hours from Folkstone to Holyhead on a monday morning.

I Like the sound of the jorney times from London up to Holyhead, i'll be doing it very early in the morning. Probably set off straight from work at around 4am.

irish said:
You must register the car at the port with Customs. i.e declare you are formerly importing it.

Whats the craic with this mate, do you just roll up say what your intending to do, briefly give them the low-down and fill in a form??

As for loving Ireland, i can safely say that i already do. I do the trip from Stansted to Dublin about once every 3 weeks at the min. Everywhere i've been i've found the locals friendly and warming but i find i do get the michael taken out of me for my traditional cockney accent.

When i do move over, ahbeit 18 months or so away, if there are any takers we'll have to get a PH meet going say once a month. I currently a member of The London Tunnelers and can say that we have a good time when we're all out together. Yes ok i know there's only one tunnel in Dublin and that leaks a bit but it still doesn't stop a road run of some sort. Suggestions on a postcard please.

If there's any other info out there guy's keep it coming please and keep in touch.

Welcome abord Simon you'll love it on here !!!

Happy motoring


>> Edited by M3john on Sunday 26th February 02:13

>> Edited by M3john on Sunday 26th February 02:15

>> Edited by M3john on Sunday 26th February 02:24


Original Poster:

5,974 posts

222 months

Sunday 26th February 2006
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markomah said:

I like the idea of the Irish PHers getting together every so often; we should follow up on this.

Yes i think we should, i'd certinly take the trip over to start the ball rolling !!!!


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222 months

Sunday 26th February 2006
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Irish said:

I will certainly take a trip back for this as well. As a fellow london tunneller who may be returning to Ireland I am all on for an active PH chapter in Ireland! Anyone for an Eire Hoon?


There is a London run next weekend on March 4th, don't suppose your going on this?. If so we'll have to meet up for a chat.


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5,974 posts

222 months

Sunday 26th February 2006
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Irish said:
M3john said:
Irish said:

I will certainly take a trip back for this as well. As a fellow london tunneller who may be returning to Ireland I am all on for an active PH chapter in Ireland! Anyone for an Eire Hoon?


There is a London run next weekend on March 4th, don't suppose your going on this?. If so we'll have to meet up for a chat.

Yep, I am No. 7 on the list for the dawn raid! Look foward to seeing you then.

Yep sounds good. I'll keep an eye out for ya !!


Original Poster:

5,974 posts

222 months

Monday 27th February 2006
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[quote=$lowpoke]Be sure to keep a bill or two from your English address to prove that you lived there, and proof of address in Ireland.

I cleared my car weeks after first arriving here, so no real need to worry about it being on your first day in country. (And if they do get arsey, tell them you drove down from NornIrn and there were no ports!)

And welcome to Ireland![/quote]

Cheers for that. As your probably well awere, once the moving process starts to take place one of the last things on your mind is actually registering the car at customs as soon as you've left the boat...with a boot and back seat full of your worldly belongings!!


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222 months

Tuesday 28th February 2006
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Irish said:

I moved my life to London in the back of a Saab 9000 - more space than a Ford transit!

Right mate i will definatly be talking to you on the 4th March then .

Reguarding the meet on the weekend do you know where exactly yet???