Stone Chips .. and my life of pain

Stone Chips .. and my life of pain



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222 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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I never gave a crap about em til now. I used to laugh at people blubbin all over their bonnets. My time has come .
Anyone know who to go to in Dublin?
Or has anyone tried to tackle the problem themselves?
Porsche sent me out paint and lacquer sticks , No instructions...
What do I use to rub them down after treating them???


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Ta Irish, I hope you're prepared for the same chip onslaught when you venture back here full time!!I reckon I'm getting the worst stoning on the M50 , believe it or not , as I have to drive up the preceding cars arse or else the same feckin cement lorry will pull out on top of me.


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222 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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There there .. (Manly electronic group hug moment)
I have to say , I gain consolation in that I'm not alone .. Not wishing to visit stone chipping on anyone of course.
No advise coming thru on DIY chip hiding though. Is the general idea to grin and bear it? I suppose it gives me another excuse to drink to forget!


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222 months

Monday 27th February 2006
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Depends on where the freckles are located!! (And if they'll let you see em)


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3,855 posts

222 months

Wednesday 1st March 2006
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Thanks Murf , Glad to see you've had a eureka moment , Irish!
In fairness I still wonder if I should have gone for a 993 , and I think no matter what you get you'll still be scratchin your head.
However , '01/'02 996's are makin early to mid 70's in ireland at the mo , and you should have no trouble getting the opc warranty so you're laughin!!
Have a look on the Cridford's sight as I think they offer good value for money and all seem to have a full psh .. Can I put the cat among the pigeons tho????
If I was in your position I'd be pullin out all the stops to try and get a c4s!!


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Wednesday 1st March 2006
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Funny you should say that irish .. my car has the bog standard system , which I thought was going to p1ss me off .. and I DO like my sounds , I play in a blues band for fun ... But it hasn't bothered me at all , my ear's more listening out for the 4000+ engine wail! But then I only do about 20 miles a day , 4 days a week , on average.