Rally Ireland



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232 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Anyone thinking of making a trip up to Sligo/Enniskillin for the rally? It's on in 2 weeks and should be a good 'un . The FIA are about to judge if we can run a rally for a round of the WRC next year if we're successful. As per the Irish Times' motoring section today, Ireland has more WRC cars than any other European countries, so it's not all Yugos and Sunbeams apparently . Looking at entry lists there are 16 or so, full spec, WRC cars running and not an Escort mk2 in sight.

Might be worth a day out, me thinks.


Original Poster:

4,282 posts

232 months

Friday 24th February 2006
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brady said:

might head up to this, would be interesting to see a proper wrc event in ireland!

Despite the ridicule above (bloody Pork drivers ) myself and a few mates are going to head up on the Saturday. Was on an Irish rallying forum trying to get best advice on what to do when there. Generally it seems a bit of a free for all! Buy a programme with a map, go pick a point, watch 8 cars go past then start making your way back to the car, drive to next stage and repeat (skipping a stage). It seems, after watching the first 8 go past you then run up the road in 30 second stints and then dive for the verge as the next car goes past . By all accounts, guys over there say that we sould see a fair bit of the service area and maybe 4 stages with the top 20-30 cars going past each time, depending on how far up the stage you went in the first place. Could be fun .