Irish Insurance and Import etc

Irish Insurance and Import etc



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818 posts

191 months

Thursday 9th March 2017
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Right apologies if this is a bit rambling I'll try to keep it distinct but I'm dealing with my 78 year old mum who sometimes gets the wrong end of the stick as you can imagine!


Mum lives in Co Wexford, lost dad last Easter, aunt drives mum around in what was my dads car, now registered to aunt. Car is a 2002 Fabia auto so not exactly the ultimate weapon. I live in London where I have most of my life, mum and Dad retired back to Ireland years ago. Car deffo needed for hospitals etc and mainly because she lives in the middle of bloody no-where

So last night get a call from her re the car, insurance renewal time and she tells me the insurance has gone up from 600 to 1100 "due to the age of car". Aunt has shopped around and sure enough seems to have gone up with many insurers not offering cover, Aunt isn't young either so this may be something to do with it??

Question 1 : Anyone heard of this type of thing, are insurers over there doing this

Now comes the next conversation "I'll need to get a newer car" OK fair enough and it is something I've been thinking about anyway. Obviously small cc auto's are much more common this side of the water. Seen a few that might do the job.

Question 2 : Am I going to get shafted for buying one for her over here and bringing it over. Say the car in the UK costs a couple of thousand is it a complicated process and not worth it?