advice? - possible land purchase southern Ireland

advice? - possible land purchase southern Ireland



Original Poster:

3,418 posts

173 months

Friday 15th January 2016
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Hi ,

I have the opportunity - through a business deal - to obtain a couple of acres of land in southern Ireland.
The land has the derelict remains of an old farmhouse on it, but nothing rebuildable.
I am told that it is outside of the "no development zone" and has previously had planning permission on the site for a house, but this has now lapsed, but no evidence of the truth of this.
I have absolutely no idea regarding Southern Irelands property laws and gaining planning permissions and also what the true value of such a plot of land actually is in the current market,so was hoping that someone may be able to give me a few pointers before I bother getting involved in this deal any further.
Any advice greatfully recieved, and thanks in advance!


Original Poster:

3,418 posts

173 months

Monday 14th March 2016
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mrmarcus said:
Is this thread about Kerry/ Cork/ Waterford or the Republic of Ireland?