Italian Grand Prix


London Irish

Original Poster:

3,991 posts

242 months

Monday 29th August 2005
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Quiet in here of late!

Off with Monza with a Dublin crowd this weekend.

Anyone else making the pilgrimage? Despite being bored by F1 recently I'll give Bernie & Co. one last shot.



4,282 posts

232 months

Monday 29th August 2005
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London Irish said:
I'll give Bernie & Co. one last shot.

Aim for his head.

Went to Silverstone years ago when F1 was a sport. Not bothered now.

But if anything, have a great time in Italy.

was that tumbleweed???


39,720 posts

272 months

Monday 29th August 2005
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If you bump into Bernie ask him if you can host a GP in Phoenix Park.