Irish Furballers



Original Poster:

3,991 posts

242 months

Saturday 15th July 2006
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Some pics from earlier today. Some guys of are on the Furball:


3,517 posts

217 months

Sunday 23rd July 2006
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I went on it and got back again ..... and had an absolute blast.

I took the Skyline and it never really missed a beat, it got a small bit of "altitude sickness" loss of power high up in the Alps but so did virtually all the cars.

Unfortunately the TR-6 suffered a failed master cylinder in Reims yesterday so it is a little behind us coming home.

I got home early today after doing a hoon of about 1600 km in 24 hours.

I'm shattered now but it was worth the journey for the "welcome home".

Oh and Irish, your flag failed to stay in place at anything more than 30 mph so spant most of it's time on the back seat.

PM me your address and I'll get it back to you.

Nice pics by the way.