Parking in lisburn



Original Poster:

214 posts

220 months

Monday 1st May 2006
quotequote all
Trafic warden without a father in Lisburn NI.
I took the beast into lisburn on sat (and just because me wife was in an accident and is now disabled) i parked up next to the old park here for free disabled parking spot ( lisburn seems to have 3 for all its users) any way went away for coffee and buns & the normal stuff came back to the car to find the old £25 your not parking here in your red flash car mate sticker on the window.when ever i camed down and opened it it read misuse of the disabled parking pass is this takiny the piss r what i thought so of i stormed to the plod shop. only to be told by pc c*** that you now have 2 options open to you either pay r go to court, o thanked pc c*** for all his help and hoped he did not get to stressed and could go back to reading his paper and his tea i know i,m ranting but had i have taken the ford to town all would have been well with the world and i would have not got a ticket this is the 3 time this has happened in the ferrari has any one had any thing like this happen to them ( sorry again for the rant but this realy pisses me of)


218 posts

219 months

Monday 1st May 2006
quotequote all
Dear dear dear Weepee

Twice in one day - once is unfortunate but twice is just in breach of the Good Friday Agreement, Clause 500987 C - Discrimination against Ferraris with Disabled Stickers.

Still joking apart it sounds like a mistake by the warden that should be easily rectified. Show the PSNI your Disabled sticker displayed in your Ferrari and that should be that.
