Porsche Independents in Dublin

Porsche Independents in Dublin



Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Wednesday 15th March 2006
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Anybody got some experience or wise words on the above?
My plan is to stick to OPC Belfast for the annuals and any work that comes up besides will go to a local independent , who (hopefully) is as interested in the car as he is in making a profit. (Who am I foolin!!??)
I had planned on going to Howard Langridge , but obviously that's not going to happen.. Suggestions??


652 posts

222 months

Thursday 16th March 2006
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Can't help on this but I'll be equally interested if anyone else can.


1 posts

219 months

Wednesday 17th May 2006
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You could try Gordon Kellett Motors in Ringsend. They used to be the official Porsche service centre for the Republic before Belgard got the dealership (we're talking about back in the 80s, early 90s). They never sold cars, but were the official service agents. I believe they still do work and source their parts from the OPC in Belfast. The guy I sold my 993 to uses them and is very happy.


You could also try these guys, I've heard good things, but unfortunately they're not too close to Dublin.


I can't blame you staying away from Belgard. I have yet to meet someone who has had a good experience with them.

