

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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Those three letters!....
I could start mouthin off now and end up dyin of hunger .. so I won't.
My query is , has anybody recently run the gauntlet of not paying same??
Any stories out there of cars getting lifted in the night , or are we safe enough to leave a car a few weeks(months!) before toddling off down to the local VRO?
(Not that I , pillar of society that I am , would ever dream of such a dastardly deed...)


3,991 posts

242 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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I hear its going up! They are being very tight with the vrt assessments. A friend of mine VRT a 98 996 convertible at €21K in the last few weeks.


673 posts

237 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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Is it fixed for any year or is it a % of total price, is there a logical formula to it ?

Simon E

148 posts

221 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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I think the VRT is 30% of the cars value in Ireland if it is over 2 litres. Problem is you don't know where they get their figures and on the day the assessor (complete tool in my experience) can come up with any figure they want. I've heard VRT is basically illegal in the EU but Ireland gets away with it because of some stupid legal loophole. I am so happy that I don't have to put up with that rubbish now that I am living in London. Can you imagine what they would say if I tried to import a Caterham into Ireland?!!

Bitter? Who me?


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Thursday 9th March 2006
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Well to put a smile on your faces , when I decided that I was going to get the Porsche I rang the VRT office to ask ABOUT how much it would cost , giving details of the car I had in mind. It took her three days to come up with the figure (But that's another story!) by which time , the car was sold and I had my eye on another , with about 10k more miles on it (same year etc).
She came back with a LARGER VRT figure , and when I questioned it she said (and I quote) " Look , if you can afford a porsche , you can afford the VRT!!!"


652 posts

222 months

Friday 10th March 2006
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There is (or at least there used to be) a VRT calculator on the Revenue website. You could enter car details, mileage and general condition and they would give you a quote.

I used it when I was bringing the XJ-S back and got a figure. Five days later, the guy at the office in Dun Laoghaire charged me a couple of hundred pounds less than the website quote. Very pleasant surprise - paid for...oh...maybe, three days worth of petrol?

>> Edited by markomah on Friday 10th March 00:01


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Friday 10th March 2006
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Yeah , Marco , I've got that vrt calculator on my favourites list , but for some reason it DOESN'T list Porsches. Therefore if you need a quote to fit your budget say , you ring the vro and they e-mail an office in Rosslare (which , by the way , doesn't take calls from the great unwashed) , they then may or may not bother their arse responding , and if they do , the vro recipient of the e-mail may or may not bother his/her arse contacting you back.



3,991 posts

242 months

Friday 10th March 2006
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Did I mention I can take my car back VRT free?


Looking at a 99 C4 at the minute


18 posts

220 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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Has anybody picked up on the latest nonsense about abolishing VRT???

What a load of nonsense. It seems that the feeling is that VRT will be abolished and the lost revenues re-couped by quadrupling yearly car tax.
What's the bets that if VRT is abolished that the manufacturers will have a field day by rising RRP prices (Ireland is currently one of the cheapest countries to buy in before you add VRT)

My prediction is that we will end up paying through the nose for yearly car tax and still pay through the nose for new car purchases.


652 posts

222 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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bmcgran said:
Has anybody picked up on the latest nonsense about abolishing VRT???

What a load of nonsense. It seems that the feeling is that VRT will be abolished and the lost revenues re-couped by quadrupling yearly car tax.
What's the bets that if VRT is abolished that the manufacturers will have a field day by rising RRP prices (Ireland is currently one of the cheapest countries to buy in before you add VRT)

My prediction is that we will end up paying through the nose for yearly car tax and still pay through the nose for new car purchases.

I hate to say it, but I think you're right. I can't see our beloved Minister for Finance just rolling over and waving goodbye to all that lovely lolly. We'll be paying the same or more money, just under a new name...


18 posts

220 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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markomah said:
There is (or at least there used to be) a VRT calculator on the Revenue website. You could enter car details, mileage and general condition and they would give you a quote.

I used it when I was bringing the XJ-S back and got a figure. Five days later, the guy at the office in Dun Laoghaire charged me a couple of hundred pounds less than the website quote. Very pleasant surprise - paid for...oh...maybe, three days worth of petrol?

>> Edited by markomah on Friday 10th March 00:01

The online calculator is on https://www.ros.ie/VRTEnquiryServlet/showC
As a rough rule I double the GBP price to get the Euro price after VRT, it is usually quite close.

There is a big drop in VRT due over the year change from December to January, I discovered this by accident when I had the wrong page of the log book a couple of years ago. By the time I managed to get the paper work sorted in January out the VRT due had droped by 30%


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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Irish said:
Did I mention I can take my car back VRT free?


Looking at a 99 C4 at the minute

NOT a 4??!!


3,991 posts

242 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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ballcock said:
Irish said:
Did I mention I can take my car back VRT free?


Looking at a 99 C4 at the minute

NOT a 4??!!

Don't think I get you there Ballcock


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Saturday 11th March 2006
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Ha! Thought I'd 'wreck your head' for the crack!

Waiting with bated breath for your final decision....

>> Edited by ballcock on Saturday 11th March 21:29


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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Was only jokin ... Honest!


3,991 posts

242 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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Finding it so difficult. My requirements are a bit fussy:

1) Preferably a C2
2) Must have PSM,
3) Should have a sound pack,
4) No more that 50K miles,
5) Good colour,
6) Clear lenses/litronic
7) GT3 alloys

Found on at Cridfords but no sound pack. Have a quote for speakers and amp at around £1K. In Ireland the next two weekends (wedding in Cavan next weekend but have ticket for the match!!!) then off to Rome so between busy weekends and work have not had a chance to go looking......and then I have an Appointment in early April to test drive a TVR Sagaris........not many of those at home!


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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You'd have fun and games keepin the TV on the road in Ireland!! As you suggest , very little in the way of maintenance knowledge bout them here.
Re the 996 , you've got plenty on the wishlist , but I think you're right , esp. seein as this is your only VRT free shot.
You'll find it ..
(I do think the C2 drives and handles better)

By the way , are you flyin out of Dublin to Rome?

>> Edited by ballcock on Sunday 12th March 20:09


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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Hey , Irish .. have you had a look at RSJ recently ?.. There's a silver'01 C2 , clear lights , sound upgrade ,fpsh , GT3 wheels etc for just over 30k!! Only snag is milage is 62K .. Worth a look?? Bet you could haggle him down , and it'd be worth about $80k back here...

>> Edited by ballcock on Sunday 12th March 21:01


3,991 posts

242 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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ballcock said:
You'd have fun and games keepin the TV on the road in Ireland!! As you suggest , very little in the way of maintenance knowledge bout them here.
Re the 996 , you've got plenty on the wishlist , but I think you're right , esp. seein as this is your only VRT free shot.
You'll find it ..
(I do think the C2 drives and handles better)

By the way , are you flyin out of Dublin to Rome?

>> Edited by ballcock on Sunday 12th March 20:09

No, flying out of London with Al Italia. Are you with Aer Lingus or Ryanair?