Visiting TVR's



Original Poster:

1,653 posts

240 months

Tuesday 7th March 2006
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Give us a wave, we'll be driving off HSS ferry in Belfast mid-day Thursday, to Killarney via Dublin.


673 posts

237 months

Tuesday 7th March 2006
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I am crusing myself most of the week end around Kerry-Kilarney, I'll wave if I see you, how many of yous ?.

(No need to ask you TVR boys if you took with you the number for the Irish AA Road Recovery Service, could come handy ........Sorry, couldn't stop myself....


3,991 posts

242 months

Tuesday 7th March 2006
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best of luck. report back with your experiences.


4,282 posts

232 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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OOoooooOoOOOoo I'm free on Thursday! You guys stopping anywhere around Dublin or passing by? Avoid the rush hours if you can, the toll bridge on the M50 can be walking pace for more than 30mins if you get caught. No fun. (not ment as a cheap stab, but I assume some TVRs need to watch their temp gauges sometimes).

Have fun.


Original Poster:

1,653 posts

240 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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Upthe and Gulliver, dropped you mails re our travels - on the road this 'avo.
Irish, will update as we go on.


4,282 posts

232 months

Thursday 9th March 2006
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Just a quick note to say thanks to Richard and co. for the quick look at the cars. It was feckin' freezing at the station we met at but was enough in my book. Dam TVRs are nice , it being the first time I've had contact with one, let alone 4 of them (Sagaris, Cerbera, T350 and a 400). And thats it, I'm buying a Sagaris. Just need to find something to rob.

Richard, I was behind your wife in the traffic for a mile or so, I don't know if you noticed but every car you were beside was winding down their windows to have a look and a listen. Even the cops in the red focus alongside for a while were all having a good look . Bar the interfearing Marea in the mix, it was a great sight the three of you in a line rumbling down the road.

Thanks again guys, and have fun.


3,991 posts

242 months

Thursday 9th March 2006
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up-the-dubs said:
Just a quick note to say thanks to Richard and co. for the quick look at the cars. It was feckin' freezing at the station we met at but was enough in my book. Dam TVRs are nice , it being the first time I've had contact with one, let alone 4 of them (Sagaris, Cerbera, T350 and a 400). And thats it, I'm buying a Sagaris. Just need to find something to rob.

Richard, I was behind your wife in the traffic for a mile or so, I don't know if you noticed but every car you were beside was winding down their windows to have a look and a listen. Even the cops in the red focus alongside for a while were all having a good look . Bar the interfearing Marea in the mix, it was a great sight the three of you in a line rumbling down the road.

Thanks again guys, and have fun.

Great post. A first Dublin PH run


652 posts

222 months

Thursday 9th March 2006
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Sorry to have missed the visitors; love to have seen the convoy...

Hope you have a great tour.


Original Poster:

1,653 posts

240 months

Thursday 16th March 2006
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up-the-dubs said:
Just a quick note to say thanks to Richard and co. for the quick look at the cars. It was feckin' freezing at the station we met at but was enough in my book. Dam TVRs are nice , it being the first time I've had contact with one, let alone 4 of them (Sagaris, Cerbera, T350 and a 400). And thats it, I'm buying a Sagaris. Just need to find something to rob.

Richard, I was behind your wife in the traffic for a mile or so, I don't know if you noticed but every car you were beside was winding down their windows to have a look and a listen. Even the cops in the red focus alongside for a while were all having a good look . Bar the interfearing Marea in the mix, it was a great sight the three of you in a line rumbling down the road.

Thanks again guys, and have fun.

great to see you, it was a terrific weekend - hospitality, driving, the whole run was brilliant.
Didn't notice the cops - probably better that way!!! No problems in that direction for the duration - what a breath of fresh air!!


3,991 posts

242 months

Thursday 16th March 2006
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.......and no cameras in Kerry!!!

Hope you all come back! We love getting the TVR buzz in Ireland!! (finally!)