NCT's on imports



Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Monday 6th March 2006
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I've just returned from the test centre and I'm p1ssed off!
Because my car's imported and it was reg'd in jan '99 , they would only issue a disk til 12/06 .. that's 9 months before I have to do the bloody thing again!
They explain it away by saying that if the car was Irish registered in jan '99 this would be the correct renewal date. It makes my blood boil 'cause I think the system is set up to penalise imports.
Right , I'm off to kick the cat or somethin....


652 posts

222 months

Monday 6th March 2006
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It's not just with imports. If you buy an Irish car that hasn't had its NCT done in time, the new NCT Cert is deemed to run from when the car ought to have been NCT'ed.

That's arguably fair enough if the car doesn't change hands before the NCT. However, if you buy a car which hasn't been NCT'ed, you are, effectively, penalised for the previous owners non-compliance.

At least they're consistently unfair


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Monday 6th March 2006
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The only difference is , Mark that the car was in the uk for the first year that it was supposed to have it's Irish NCT .. There's no non compliance factor here. If I'd known this was going to happen I could have held off til dec before doing the first one .. A pal of mine has a boxster in a similar situation and he's considering this at the mo.


652 posts

222 months

Tuesday 7th March 2006
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Would they let you just do one test in December?

I know it's Python-esque, but it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to argue in December that you needed to submit to the test twice; once to bring you up to December and the second for the two years starting in December!!


Original Poster:

3,855 posts

222 months

Tuesday 7th March 2006
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Sounds just about what WOULD be tried. I think the only prob with holding off on the test til dec. would be trying to avoid a fine for non- display .. although I've never heard of someone getting dun for no nct.


652 posts

222 months

Tuesday 7th March 2006
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I brought my XJ-S in from London, registered it in Dun Laoghaire the day after (being the good, dutiful fellow I am) and was duly registered as owner.

Insurance company said I needed an NCT so I phoned the NCT people and asked for a test date; I was told I wasn't on the system so they couldn't test the car. They suggested I leave it for a few weeks and try again. Insurance company said this wasn't a problem.

Tried again after a few weeks, again a few months and again a year after bringing it in (when the insurance company asked for it again); every time I was told, "You're not on the system, don't know why, try again, etc, etc".

I sold the car to its current owner last July, having told him the NCT situation. He registered as owner and within 1 week got notification that he had to do the test. Go figure!

I had the car for just less than 3 years, got stopped at maybe 10 or 12 Garda checkpoints during my ownership and was _never_ asked where the NCT disc was.

That said, the law does require you to have an NCT Cert on qualifying cars...