Cookin' fats!!!



Original Poster:

13 posts

279 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Asside from the obvious (gun, catapault, hard top, cover, garage etc), anyone got any tips for keeping smug moggies off your soft top?

Lil' buggers!

Paul V

4,489 posts

288 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Air rifle


4,319 posts

276 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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4,339 posts

290 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Go to your garden centre, you can get sprays that claim to stop cats sniffing round your property. I used to use a spray called "cat be gone" or something on the tarmac and fence around my car when I used to park outside. Worked a treat.

If that doesn't work, you might also want to try Olbas oil, pepper, lemon juice, lion shit (I'm serious, you can buy it from some garden centres) or a combination therof.

Good luck!


Original Poster:

13 posts

279 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Lion shit?!?! I did laugh at that one. I think I'd sooner put up with cat hair than drive around with fat lumps of lion turd on the roof!

Thanks though, I'll try all the others you suggested.


30,646 posts

295 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Asside from the obvious (gun, catapault, hard top, cover, garage etc), anyone got any tips for keeping smug moggies off your soft top?

Lil' buggers!

Ultrasonic cat scarer?


4,319 posts

276 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Im still voting with landmines, its the only way to be sure

On a serious note, I find that my dogs normally manage to scare any cat off the property sharpish with some manic barking.


2 posts

268 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Have heard that pepper works!


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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GreenV8S said:

Asside from the obvious (gun, catapault, hard top, cover, garage etc), anyone got any tips for keeping smug moggies off your soft top?

Lil' buggers!

Ultrasonic cat scarer?

Next door tried that a few years ago, our took no notice.


3,757 posts

272 months

Friday 1st November 2002
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Cats? You wanna keep students with bags of flour on halloween away...


Cats - hmmm, there are many ways to skin a cat - just cover the roof with something really sticky...


957 posts

269 months

Saturday 2nd November 2002
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there is a system available but it depends if you wanna get your car wet?You leave the hose pipe pointing at your whatever and when the sensor detects movement it switches the sprinkler on,causing puss to run for the hills.