Got it!!! First Impressions
Hi there.
Yes last night I got my (used) Elise S2. What a feeling. I m over the moon. And a bit scared I guess.
The first impressions are fantastic.
Yes the car might rattle a bit, have a slighlty dodgy gear change but what a feeling. The throtle response is next to none, the handling a ride is fantastic and I havent really pushed any hard yet.
A few questions:
The gearbox feels a bit tight (the car has only 4500 miles) and the changes are not the best. Is this normal? Anything to worry about?
The car rattles a bit but I guess that is normal.
The engine makes a "starnge" sucking noise when I put my foot of the throtle. Is this normal? I guess is a bit strange sitting so close to the engine and hearing every single noise it makes.
The car feels a bit wide. This is something that I have to get used to. I m already getting better with this. My old car (and alternative car at this point) is (please dont laugh) a Fiat Seicento sporting (a silver bullet of Italian racing pedigree
)) so the dimensions are quite different
) The back visibility is also a bit obstructed, but who needs to look back when all the fun is in front of you.
The looks and the comments that the car gets!!! I truly didnt expect that. It is quite strange and a bit embarassing. I would do the same I guess but I dont know, I didnt expect so many people to do that.
So there you got it. I GOT IT!!!! Whatever the above sounds like, I am OVER THE MOON. I want to shout out to the world
What a car!!!
Yes last night I got my (used) Elise S2. What a feeling. I m over the moon. And a bit scared I guess.
The first impressions are fantastic.
Yes the car might rattle a bit, have a slighlty dodgy gear change but what a feeling. The throtle response is next to none, the handling a ride is fantastic and I havent really pushed any hard yet.
A few questions:
The gearbox feels a bit tight (the car has only 4500 miles) and the changes are not the best. Is this normal? Anything to worry about?
The car rattles a bit but I guess that is normal.
The engine makes a "starnge" sucking noise when I put my foot of the throtle. Is this normal? I guess is a bit strange sitting so close to the engine and hearing every single noise it makes.
The car feels a bit wide. This is something that I have to get used to. I m already getting better with this. My old car (and alternative car at this point) is (please dont laugh) a Fiat Seicento sporting (a silver bullet of Italian racing pedigree

The looks and the comments that the car gets!!! I truly didnt expect that. It is quite strange and a bit embarassing. I would do the same I guess but I dont know, I didnt expect so many people to do that.
So there you got it. I GOT IT!!!! Whatever the above sounds like, I am OVER THE MOON. I want to shout out to the world

What a car!!!

Thanks to all of you for your good words.
Even though I m not sure if people are interested, I will bore you with some more of my first experiences of my first days (FIRST DAY even). I m sure that the experienced elise owner will look back in their own first experiences and smile.
After a day at the office, I m amazed of the way people have behaved about the car. Coming around and pulling me out of my desk to see it and sit inside it. I truely find it quite strange (in a good sense) even though I belive I would do the same.
Another little niggle is the windscreen wiper. It's sh*t. Sorry to have to say this but it is quite bad. It could be that it is this specific one but...
On the other hand it rained and after a thorough check I couldnt find a single drop of water in the car! I was worried with all the horror(?) stories from owner that found the precious littles in an aquarium state after a small drizzle!
The engine feels better and better and I m getting used to the gearbox a bit more (even though it will take some time). The response you get by putting your foot down is FANTASTIC next to nothing (I know I m repeating myself but hey. I m a virgin
That's it for today (people now start thinking TODAY!?!?! He is not gonna bore us tommorow again!!!)
Tommorow I m going to the motorshow and the GF will get her first drive in the elise (her driving I mean). Scary
) I hope she doesnt read this.
Thanks again for all your good comments and enjoy your weekend drives!!!
Even though I m not sure if people are interested, I will bore you with some more of my first experiences of my first days (FIRST DAY even). I m sure that the experienced elise owner will look back in their own first experiences and smile.
After a day at the office, I m amazed of the way people have behaved about the car. Coming around and pulling me out of my desk to see it and sit inside it. I truely find it quite strange (in a good sense) even though I belive I would do the same.
Another little niggle is the windscreen wiper. It's sh*t. Sorry to have to say this but it is quite bad. It could be that it is this specific one but...
On the other hand it rained and after a thorough check I couldnt find a single drop of water in the car! I was worried with all the horror(?) stories from owner that found the precious littles in an aquarium state after a small drizzle!
The engine feels better and better and I m getting used to the gearbox a bit more (even though it will take some time). The response you get by putting your foot down is FANTASTIC next to nothing (I know I m repeating myself but hey. I m a virgin

That's it for today (people now start thinking TODAY!?!?! He is not gonna bore us tommorow again!!!)
Tommorow I m going to the motorshow and the GF will get her first drive in the elise (her driving I mean). Scary

Thanks again for all your good comments and enjoy your weekend drives!!!
Have a look at under upgrades for a new wiper.
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