Braking problem after hitting pothole

Braking problem after hitting pothole



Original Poster:

99 posts

274 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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I took delivery of a new Exige Sport 350 a couple of months ago. Recently after 900 miles of running in, I hit a massive pothole whilst travelling at about 50-60 mph. Along with the crash as the suspension reacted to the impact there was a very loud crack - similar to that made when a large, dead branch is snapped.

My immediate reaction was that something had broken. However, the car's behaviour seemed to be unaffected and I continued my journey for a further 20 miles without further problem.

The following day, on my way home, I noticed that the car was intermittently pulling significantly to the right under braking. Occasionally it would pull to the left and sometimes brake normally. Ever since, on every journey that I have made, the brakes will sometimes pull right, sometimes to the left and sometimes normally. There seems to be no recognisable reason or consistency in this braking behaviour. I've tested the brakes when they are cold and hot, with cold tyres and warm tyres. I've tested them in Sport mode, Race mode and DCM Off - it doesn't seem to make any difference. I've checked tyre pressures. The steering wheel is still central and the car freewheels in a straight line. I've had the tracking checked by a specialist and that's OK. I've returned the car to the authorised dealer and they cannot find any signs of breakage or damage.

Sometimes the brakes are OK for a while and unfortunately that was the case when the dealer's technician took the car out for a test-drive. However, the tracking specialist did recognise the problem when he carried out his test drive. Of one thing I am certain; something is not right.

If anyone has spared the time to read this long message I would be most grateful for any suggestions over and beyond the diagnoses that I have already outlined above. I suspect the technician at the dealer only inspected what was visible with the wheel removed. Could there be damage to the steering that is not readily visible? Could a yaw sensor be at fault? Or could a fault in the ABS be the culprit?

The car is brand new, has covered just 1200 miles, but until I can fix this braking problem I can only drive the car with extreme care. Any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated. Also, any recommendations regarding Lotus dealers (authorised or specialist) in the Midlands area who I might approach for a second opinion would also be gratefully received.
Thank you.


4,816 posts

196 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Sounds like suspension damage to me? Have they checked alignment?


Original Poster:

99 posts

274 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Yes, wheel alignment checked and OK (I've called it "tracking" in my original post.

Far Cough

2,314 posts

173 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Something is broken which is why on braking it's veering right and probably on acceleration it's going left ( or vice versa). That corner needs to be thoroughly investigated with wheel off and brakes taken off. Could be a crushed bush but the sound you describe intermates one of the structures breaking. Once apart you see or feel some freeplay and then you can trace it back. Good luck


4,816 posts

196 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Did you check rear alignment too?


Original Poster:

99 posts

274 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Yep. Rear alignment checked as well. That's fine .

The car doesn't deviate under acceleration.

Braking can be to the right, left or straight ahead. If the road is level the problem is less pronounced but still occurs intermittently. If the road undulates or has significant camber braking will often vere in the direction of camber, but not always and when it does it is way more than might be expected. Could castor action be exaggerated due to a mechanical fault?


654 posts

195 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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I'd not be driving that and I'd be leaving it with Lotus until the problem is discovered! Good luck and keep us informed, I'm intrigued to see what has potentially broken.

Also if you can get back to the pothole take a pic and then claim for the repair off the Local Authority. I've had a snapped coil spring on one of my cars due to a big hole that I could not swerve around due to oncoming trafiic and every time I go out on my pushbike it's like taking your life into your hands swerving around the craters in the road. Bl@@dy disgrace!


17,441 posts

229 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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sounds a bit scary that cracking could be after it hit the shockend bumpstop, it wanted to travel something possible cracked...

I guess a hairline somewhere, so when you brake hard, the wheel want to go 'backwards' and opens the crack? a bit, so it goes a bit offline...something like that?

the crack can be hard to spot, must put some force on that side were it hit the pothole, so see if there comes a crack when putting some force on it.

hope its something smaller though.


17,441 posts

229 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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found a exige v6 but roadster picture on the web, and looked what can go wrong??

looks like that part in the red circle, is pretty close to the A-arm...(I made those circle etc, just to make clear what could be a case?)

so, could perhaps be possible that when hitting the bumpstop hard, the A-arm were the bushing sits, hitted the alu frame?

maybe that alu frame thin part came a bit up...cracked a bit and could have a little bit more 'play' under harder braking?

ofcourse I don't know, but looking at the picture, would not amaze me, if you have the same sort set-up


1,315 posts

260 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Not sure where you are in the Midlands but you could try Paul Matty's for a second opinion? Well respected specialist who used to look after my Elise.


Original Poster:

99 posts

274 months

Tuesday 21st May 2019
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Thanks for all those replies.

I reported the pothole to Oxford DC who sloped it off to The Highways Agency. I've had an acknowledgement but nothing further.

Thanks for the picture Rene, and your thoughts.

Will look up Paul Matty, but back to my original dealer first.