sticking round hazard button - s1

sticking round hazard button - s1



Original Poster:

4,592 posts

289 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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So the button stays jammed in when you push it in and can only be released (to turn hazards off) by pulling the button off completely and then wobbling the switch part around until it comes free, which takes several minutes. I think this probably means a new switch assembly as I have tried a bit of gt85 in there to lube things up to no avail.

a) am I missing anything

b) how do you go about replacing the switch?


8,641 posts

222 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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My sidelights one does the same thing.

I am planning to remove them all and give them a clean - they are probably just gunked up.


Original Poster:

4,592 posts

289 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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the buttons pull off with a bit of effort, but you might find the switches are simply jamming up - they look clean enough. It seems a bit like what you get in a retracting biro when the mechanism just wears out.


Original Poster:

4,592 posts

289 months

Friday 11th December 2015
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seeing as you got me onto their page re: throttle linkage, thing this is the answer:


628 posts

151 months

Saturday 12th December 2015
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They are peugeot 106 and other switches on the S1.


8,641 posts

222 months

Saturday 12th December 2015
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they are indeed. Annoyingly they don't do the sidelight one, so no idea where that is sourced from - hence why I am going to clean mine out rather than replace.


Original Poster:

4,592 posts

289 months

Sunday 13th December 2015
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Altrezia said:
they are indeed. Annoyingly they don't do the sidelight one, so no idea where that is sourced from - hence why I am going to clean mine out rather than replace.
they do the sidelight one on the link I put up, its dipped beam that is not available. I didn't even know there was a side light switch to be honest?!


8,641 posts

222 months

Tuesday 15th December 2015
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They do but I am not paying £40 for a sodding 205 button! wink


63 posts

134 months

Saturday 13th February 2016
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I had to pay the big ££ for one on my S1 Exige there. Brutal what they charge.


Original Poster:

4,592 posts

289 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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how do you get the existing switches out of the dashboard?


8,641 posts

222 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Big hammer? (The tabs on the left/right push inwards: )

Weirdly, I just ordered the sidelights one from EP after trying and failing to clean mine up. Boo hiss.


Original Poster:

4,592 posts

289 months

Thursday 18th February 2016
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how do you get to the tabs though because the dashboard is in the way when they are installed!


8,641 posts

222 months

Thursday 18th February 2016
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Pull the grey plastic bit that surrounds all the buttons off (forwards) then you'll see 2 screws on the underside of the lip holding the top dark grey metal bit on - remove that for access smile

Be careful - they have a small glued tab on the underside which is easy to break and is what holds the top of the metal bit in place - mine has broken and the dash pokes up a few mm which really irritates me.


8,641 posts

222 months

Thursday 18th February 2016
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Original Poster:

4,592 posts

289 months

Friday 19th February 2016
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Altrezia said:
Pull the grey plastic bit that surrounds all the buttons off (forwards) then you'll see 2 screws on the underside of the lip holding the top dark grey metal bit on - remove that for access smile

Be careful - they have a small glued tab on the underside which is easy to break and is what holds the top of the metal bit in place - mine has broken and the dash pokes up a few mm which really irritates me.
ta, I will check the pics in your next post out when I get home as my work computer always shows little boxes with x's in instead!