Forgetting the dirt / car getting wet etc (good points though), I have adopted the following principles :-) ;
1) I have a soft top car, therefore I drive with the lid off if it's not lashing down.
2) Develop an uncanny subconscious ability to identify appropriate area to stop and put on lid
3) Develop an F1 pit stop technique for putting on soft top.
jason, I reckon an F1 pit crew could rebuild an engine in the time it takes me to put mi roof on
I'm a scaredy cat - if it looks dull or like rain I leave the roof on. I've had the car only about 11 weeks, and I'm still in the "oh cack I've just driven through a puddle and got the car wet" mentality. In fact, it's the first time in mi life that I've actually chamois-leathered a car after washing it!

I'm a scaredy cat - if it looks dull or like rain I leave the roof on. I've had the car only about 11 weeks, and I'm still in the "oh cack I've just driven through a puddle and got the car wet" mentality. In fact, it's the first time in mi life that I've actually chamois-leathered a car after washing it!
You lot should try putting up a Morgan's roof when it's pi55ing it down. Takes an eternity and when it's up it leaks!!!
aaah been there done that !!! nothing like trying to fit all the ffing poppers when its snowing, ure hands are numb with cold and the cover wont stretch far enough - builds character in a man!!!!
Compared to my kitcar (same as Morgan style) the Elise roof is Airtight!!!
But they were happy days, freezing your butt off over the peak district in January, The wind blowing your side screens in, hail blowing into your face. The handy "its raining indicator" pouring water down you and your passengers leg (how many dates fell flat after that experience?). What fun
>> Edited by smeagol on Friday 9th August 13:58

But they were happy days, freezing your butt off over the peak district in January, The wind blowing your side screens in, hail blowing into your face. The handy "its raining indicator" pouring water down you and your passengers leg (how many dates fell flat after that experience?). What fun

>> Edited by smeagol on Friday 9th August 13:58
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