Having sold my Jaguar i am in the process of looking around for a replacement fun vehicle , and i guess a 340r is about as good a fun car as you can find .
Has any one out there got any expierience of these you know the sort of stuff i need , facts and figures ,price guides, what to look out for ?
>>> Edited by marki on Thursday 1st August 11:58
Having sold my Jaguar i am in the process of looking around for a replacement fun vehicle , and i guess a 340r is about as good a fun car as you can find .
Has any one out there got any expierience of these you know the sort of stuff i need , facts and figures ,price guides, what to look out for ?
>>> Edited by marki on Thursday 1st August 11:58
Please ignore hungry Jim as he has problems
a good place to look is www.jackals-forge.com the website of richard morris and a 340 owner (or former owner as he was trying to sell it a while back)
prices are about 20k for a good one - ie 190bhp conversion and hasn't caught fire yet
I think there was a 340 group on yahoo a while ago but I don't know now.
Great cars - but expensive - heres my tip - don't leave the lights on by mistake - to replace the battery usually involves taking the clam off - about £800 in labour iirc !!!!

a good place to look is www.jackals-forge.com the website of richard morris and a 340 owner (or former owner as he was trying to sell it a while back)
prices are about 20k for a good one - ie 190bhp conversion and hasn't caught fire yet

I think there was a 340 group on yahoo a while ago but I don't know now.
Great cars - but expensive - heres my tip - don't leave the lights on by mistake - to replace the battery usually involves taking the clam off - about £800 in labour iirc !!!!

Also try www.340r.net
The 340R yahoo egroup is where 340R owners hang out.
And of course lots of fottage on www.jimbocam.com ;-)
The 340R yahoo egroup is where 340R owners hang out.
And of course lots of fottage on www.jimbocam.com ;-)
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