Advise on buying an Elise ?

Advise on buying an Elise ?


Los Endos

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309 posts

144 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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Okay, so after some considerable faffing I have finally decided to award myself a proper car clap

So I'm thinking Lotus Elise s2 R circa 2005/6, on basis that it's great looking car, goes like stink, it has a reliable motor,
I won't have a massive bill to keep it on the road and there aren't too many inherent issues with reliability.

It won't be my main drive, I have a battle scared and old e39 for that job tank

So dealer or private ( I know this is an old cherry but with an Elise is there a different arguement ) ?
Would I save money if I ended up getting Santa to deliver it in December ?
Is there anything to avoid, apart from the obvious, not a full service history etc ?
Am I right in thinking I'll get some reliable driving done rather than trips to the garage ! ?

BTW Before you ask, no I haven't driven one yet.... So my purchase is based on some extreme couch surfing so far, but I will rectify this oversight shortly, currently working on the basis if I drive one there will be an immediate purchase rather than Santa price saver xmas


6,481 posts

283 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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Buy on condition, not on numbers/mileage/sh/etc.

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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Duly noted thanks


277 posts

177 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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History is everything - perhaps on here or SELOC someone will know the car. Good independant specialist to check the car as no doubt he will be doing the work !

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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Thanks for that.....

Anybody got a view on Santa - Cheaper in the deep mid winter ? xmas


68,179 posts

226 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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There's a buyers guild stickied at the top of this forum. smile

As said above, buy on condition not numbers. Drive as many variants as you can, don't just assume that the faster ones are better because in some ways they aren't. Generally speaking, the newer the car, the better it will be built but the heavier and more "detached" it will feel (not that any Elise will feel detached compared to almost anything else).

Also, you'll notice that they can feel very different to drive because they're so geometry sensitive. Any sensible seller will have got the geo set up properly before trying to sell, but some certainly don't.

They are a tiny bit cheaper in the winter, but not enough that I'd avoid buying a good car now because you might not find what you want later.

There is, IMO, no particularly value in a main dealer service history - they're extremely simple cars to work on. If anything I'd have a slight preference for a car that had been serviced by its owner rather than a garage, but that's probably just me.

Edited by kambites on Wednesday 19th September 22:26

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Wednesday 19th September 2012
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Many Thanks....

Sorry I just spotted that Buyers Guide, I'll get reading read


492 posts

224 months

Thursday 20th September 2012
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Would also recommend you have a look on Scottish Elise's as a lot of the guys up here put their car up for sale first to tread the water.
Generally the cars you get on S.Elises are very well looked after as
a) we have a great Lotus garage here (MMC)
b) we love our Loti up in Scotland

Completely echo what people have said about buying on condition but remember there are a lot os Lotus Elise's which have small no of owners, low mileage so there is no need to buy the first one that you see and you can afford to be picky.

Buying in Winter will always be cheaper but you are probably best getting a bargain around late Oct/early Nov time from a dealer as they are aware that the car could be sitting on a forecourt for 3-4 months. However if you go in on Jan/Feb then they may be more likely to hold out till the prices pick up.



560 posts

169 months

Thursday 20th September 2012
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For me theres always a price difference during the winter months because supply tends to increase. This having been said you're not saving thousands but it just makes negotiating eisier and choice far greater.

If the truth is known the current economic climate probably has more of a bearing on pricing.

Had mine two years now and I still love it.

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Thursday 20th September 2012
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Thanks Guys... No Rugby this weekend, so I'm going to try and grab myself a little drive :-)


937 posts

152 months

Thursday 20th September 2012
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View on a wet day and check for leaks on window seals where they meet the roof...should be no more than the odd bead or trickle down the inside in heavy rain. Check the central locking button in front of the gear knob works. Get a hard top if you can. Check fibreglass roof rods for damage as can be prone to damage from over flexing on removal. Stretch to a 57 plate and get the updated dash. Get a touring pack model for extra comfort...was a 2000 pound extra I believe.


68,179 posts

226 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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I wouldn't bother with a hard-top, personally, unless you intend to park the car on the street. I've got one and never use it.

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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Thanks.... Great feedback
Thinking of wandering over to Northwich on Saturday to have a nose


6,476 posts

234 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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Try both the 111R/R and the 111S. You may end up preferring the 111S more than the 111R and save yourself a few quid.

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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Thanks MT

Being a bloke, I thought Max Power = Best
Clearly not and I had moved on from that theory, especially as this was my 1st purchase
of a proper car, I have to be realistic about my driving skills and how much I would
get out of an R. i.e. wasn't thinking of popping down to Oulton Park any day soon :-)


68,179 posts

226 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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The 111S vs 111R is always an interesting argument.

Obviously the 111R is more powerful, but it's also quite a lot heavier so the actual performance difference isn't huge. The main difference in the feel of the cars comes from the fact that the 111S has a very flat feeling torque curve; the 111R has a noticeable step as the cams change over - neither of these is "better" but they are very different. The brakes are also very different, with the 111R being servo assisted.

Personally, I really didn't like the Toyota engined cars, but I don't think they're worse, just different in a way that I don't like. You really need to drive both before you buy. They're about the same price for cars of the same age, so little to be gained/lost there.

ETA: Equally, don't discount the VX220. It's basically the same car with a different engine and both engines offer something a bit different from the Elise's power plants.

Edited by kambites on Friday 21st September 14:34

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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What about the Toyota powered S with the lower power ?

jas xjr

11,309 posts

244 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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Make sure you can get out of it easily smile

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Friday 21st September 2012
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Hmmm I may struggle with the getting in and out !
Although I'm pretty fit, my back has other ideas, but let's see ! ;-)

Los Endos

Original Poster:

309 posts

144 months

Sunday 23rd September 2012
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Quick update....
Had a little trip to Christopher Neil, wanted to tick off some concerns and get off the IPad theory !
Yes I can get in and out of an Elise, even though I'm a bit battered from Saturdays Rugby :-)
I've actually been out in the demonstrator Elise, to be honest I would have been a scared to
take a brand new motor out, so happy to have been a passenger, for now.
Did I like the Elise ? Jesus Christ ! YES It's a fantastic piece of kit, the road holding was pretty outstanding
braking was super impressive and I was surprised how comfortable the cabin was.
Bottom line, got to have one :-)

Going to book myself a test drive for 2 cars next w/e ( although I have to say the Exige in the
showroom is very very temptying, looks like you refill it with red meat not unleaded )