Exige R-GT Rally Car



Original Poster:

4 posts

230 months

Monday 23rd January 2012
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So I was watching the WRC from Monte Carlo this weekend and noticed a distinct lack of Lotus Exige's running. So I went back and re-read the Lotus web site just to make sure I got the year right. "Testing will continue ahead of the start of the 2012 FIA World Rally Championship season where the Exige will contend the FIA GT category on asphalt at events in Monte Carlo, Tour de Corse and San Remo."

Anyone know what happened?


2,409 posts

204 months

Monday 23rd January 2012
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They did a shakedown test of the car on December 23rd, there's a video and some pictures on the Lotus site here: http://www.lotuscars.com//en/frankfurt-exige-r-gt


Original Poster:

4 posts

230 months

Tuesday 24th January 2012
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Yeh I saw the shake down video but I thought they were shaking it down for an entry into the Monte Carlo last weekend. I guess not.

the ronin

1,056 posts

222 months

Tuesday 24th January 2012
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I guess a few bits came loose with all that shakin...laughlaughlaugh