insurance question - young elise owners??
Morning all just wondering if there is anyone on here who is 19/20/21 and has an elise? i looked before but couldnt find insurance for the life of me so ended up getting an Audi TT but now that im being forced to sell due to breaking my spine and foot and not being allowed to drive until summer next year. I was toying with the idea of another one but would like something different when the time comes and as an elise is a car i want to own i was just wondering if its going to be feasible at all? If anyone on here could recommend anyone to try for insurance again it would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!!
Thanks in advance!!
RemainAllHoof said:
I believe this is a suitable image to use:

haha yep but im just suprised nobody will even quote, managed to get the TT all mods declared and the MX5 in my own name then me as a named on my mums 330i for reasonable money given the cars yet an elise not one company will touch? although i can have a VX220 for the same price as the TT?? im confused...
madmover said:
Morning all just wondering if there is anyone on here who is 19/20/21 and has an elise? i looked before but couldnt find insurance for the life of me so ended up getting an Audi TT but now that im being forced to sell due to breaking my spine and foot and not being allowed to drive until summer next year. I was toying with the idea of another one but would like something different when the time comes and as an elise is a car i want to own i was just wondering if its going to be feasible at all? If anyone on here could recommend anyone to try for insurance again it would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!!
Wouldn't advise the early S1 seats for a bad back, they're like sitting on a church pew. Thanks in advance!!
Later seats are excellent (also have several broken bones in my spine) - some of the best seats I've tried, actually.
RemainAllHoof said:
I believe this is a suitable image to use:

Pretty Much!
I'm 22 and have a S2 111s - got it when I was 21.
Insured with CCI, first year was nearly £1800 (ouch).
Now its about £1500 - so yes....expect a raping, but if it's the car you want, and you have the funds to do so - go for it!
I was 19 when I bought my VX220 and was insured with Admiral as they were the 'cheapest'. A mate of mine bought an S1 Elise at 19 and was insured with Kwikfit, however this was with no no-claims (as he had them on his other car) and it was northwards of £4,000 for third party fire and theft, otherwise I think his cheapest was going to be £7,000 fully comprehensive.
Best of luck. Btw an Elise or similar probably isn't the best choice after a spine injury.
Best of luck. Btw an Elise or similar probably isn't the best choice after a spine injury.
I paid £1400 FC on an S1 when I was 22, again with Elephant/Admiral.
You may find it'll be more expensive now, what with the crash history ever increasing and the fact that an <£10k Elise is going to be an instant write off in anything more than a bump.
Tips may be:
- Keeping the mileage as low as possible - I think keeping below 6-7k a year reduces the premium?
- Adding an parent/relative as a 2nd driver (note, 2nd driver, not main)
Use this:
It'll help 'massage' your occupation a tad. Perfectly legal but obviously be mindful of what you specify on your policy.
It'll help 'massage' your occupation a tad. Perfectly legal but obviously be mindful of what you specify on your policy.
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