Super new Elise sound system for about £200

Super new Elise sound system for about £200



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90 posts

247 months

Thursday 2nd June 2011
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Can't find a forum section on ICE but if there is one, feel free to move this post.

I've wanted a new stereo system for my S2 for ages now, the crappy JVC head unit and horrendous speakers that came with the car just distorted at any high volume, making motorway driving a no-no with music on. The CD unit skipped constantly and the radio was st. I was sick of burning CDs all the time and wanted an MP3 unit.

Here is what I got:

Head unit - - Kenwood: KDC-4547UW - CD/MP3/USB TUNER

Read speakers - - Vibe: BLACKAIR 5 - 13cm components

Front speakers - - Focal: 100CA1 - 10cm speakers

Album of install pics is here -

Comparison of the old and new front speakers:

We put lots of wadding (and fleece remnants!) in various places as there were yawning gaps behind the front speakers and back panel, which won't have helped the sound quality. When we fitted the front speakers and cranked them up, the quality was better than the old system front and rear speakers combined. Tweeters are mounted on the rear window surround pointing down towards the seats.

Took it for a test blat and the sound quality is superb but with MP3s, make sure you've got a good bitrate or it may sound a bit crap. The radio tunes perfectly now with no hissing, there is no distortion at all when turned up so blatting topless at 70+ you can still have good choons on. I've not tried the CD player yet for skipping potential, I doubt I'll even use it TBH - a mini USB stick with 4 gigs of MP3s on does it for me.

Head unit has an Aux plug, USB slot and is iPod compatible - interface easy to use - my one gripe is that the "random" settings for playing MP3s only apply to whatever directory you are in at the time. So if you want random EVERYTHING without having to change directories, put all MP3s in the root of the USB. I don't have an iPod so can't comment on the iPod useability.

Still, for not much over £200 I'll give it a big thumbs up.