Scimitar's undervalued?

Scimitar's undervalued?



Original Poster:

1,463 posts

142 months

Monday 8th May 2017
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I often hear Scimitar enthusiasts say that Reliant Scimitar's, or rather the GTE model, are finally gaining the value they deserve and that's it's only a matter of time before they start climbing and fetching big money. Give or take one or two unique and fine examples, I haven't really seen any indication that the GTE models are rising beyond a couple of grand. Most I come across for sale range from spares/repairs (a few hundred to £1,000), good nick but needing some TLC (1-2 grand maybe), then upwards of between 3 to 5 grand for ones in very good to excellent condition. They were going for that kind of money even 20 years ago.

They are certainly undervalued in my view. Anyone know why they don't seem to be rising in value?


Original Poster:

1,463 posts

142 months

Monday 8th May 2017
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I agree they are sensible money. They have everything going for them as a classic: they have a certain style and look which overtime grows on you, the Essex engine (or the Colongne on the rarer 6b model), they are great to drive, turn heads, have the bonus of being fibreglass so no chance of rust, and some models had a galvanised chassis.

There are far too many classics out there that are fetching really silly money, even motors that noone cared about back when they were more common.

Edited by Jukebag on Monday 8th May 21:44


Original Poster:

1,463 posts

142 months

Tuesday 9th May 2017
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I agree it's the Reliant name stigma that has probably affected values, but that hasn't stopped the 70 odd Middle bridges that were made from attaining 20-30 grand. I wish every good GTE 5a, 6a and 6b (only 400 or so 6b Cologne engine models were made) could fetch Middle bridge money.

Speaking of Middle bridges, I often see a lovely red Middbridge that frequents a local retail park. It's been there enough times for me to assume the owner uses it on a regular basis rather than just being shoved into a garage and never used. Wish other Scimitar owners, and other classic owners for that matter, could do the same. Strangely though, it just so happens to be parked on the same retail park and in the same parking space as another Middlebridge I've seen, the other one being green. So someone (presumably someone local) owns two of them, or it's someone's who's a mate of the other owner who just happens to shop at the same retail park. Why would you want to own two?.

You have the GTC which seem to fetch reasonable money - 6-12 grand, but the low numbers likely adds to their value. The SE4 go for decent money too depending on condition, with the rare early Sabra from the 60s often go for around the 20k mark. It's the GTE and wedge Sabres that don't seem to be appreciating.

My dad is on his third GTE (the previous two being a 5a and 6a) and this one being the rarer 6b model with a galvanised chassis. I prefer the 6a series more than

Edited by Jukebag on Tuesday 9th May 21:26

Edited by Jukebag on Tuesday 9th May 21:27


Original Poster:

1,463 posts

142 months

Saturday 13th May 2017
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Scimitars do represent good value for money considering its rival classics (that are often known to be rust buckets) which are often fetching almost twice the money. Even MG B roadsters you couldn't buy for the money that a decent GTE often sell for. For the average person who hasnt got deep pockets, a managing directors job, on an average income or with a measly low pension, the chance of owning the classic they once dreamed of becomes more and more of a dream due to the insanely high prices.

Looking at this list of classics dosent exactly instill one with much hope:

I'd be lucky to find someone I know who had a spare 10 grand for a Capri. Why are Capri's fetching money like that yet the lovely Essex V6 engined Scimitar GTE can barely reach the 5 grand mark?. I suppose a certain 1970s TV series has had a big role to play in the Capri's appeal, with the whole nostalgia feel it has with a certain generation who grew up watching Bodie and Doyle. IMO the Scimitar is far better than the overrated Capri.

Edited by Jukebag on Saturday 13th May 15:51