blue wedge collingham nr leeds

blue wedge collingham nr leeds



6,034 posts

263 months

Sunday 3rd July 2005
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Only blue SEAC in this area i know of is Gopher's dad


651 posts

245 months

Sunday 3rd July 2005
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yup 'twas us. Having to take it a bit steady as well, as the rear section of the exhaust dropped off in the pub car park. Lack of spanners (to undo the circular clip) meant that we had to bang it back on with a heavy object and hope that it was wedged well enough to get us home.

Luckily, he has already got a new exhaust on the way....

Also, the OZ split rims that are on are looking a bit tired, so we have been looking at refurbishing them / putting some new ones on. Here's some photoshop jiggery-pokery- any comments?


651 posts

245 months

Sunday 3rd July 2005
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p.s. we waved at you, and for the record, WE WERE NOT ON OUR WAY TO SEE MEATLOAF!!!! Got caught up in the bleedin' traffic though


6,034 posts

263 months

Sunday 3rd July 2005
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7 posts

239 months

Monday 4th July 2005
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Kinda like those myself Steve - also the Tuscan Spiders (if I can persuade Gordon to upgrade the wheels on the purple beast).

There's a special prize to anyone who can guess what the heavy object was that was used to bray the exhaust back together.


6,034 posts

263 months

Monday 4th July 2005
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halcyon said:

There's a special prize to anyone who can guess what the heavy object was that was used to bray the exhaust back together.

How about part of a dry stone wall,or a beer barrel hope it was empty Chris


7 posts

239 months

Monday 4th July 2005
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Yeah, like my six-pack (or is that a party seven)??

Actually it was a brake shoe from a 1991 Toyota Hilux Surf (Gordon's OTHER car - my old Tonka toy). I can recommend one when a hammer (or piece of a dry stone wall) is not handy. Think I'll carry one in the toolkit all the time, I'm sure I can think of lots of uses for it if I put my mind to it.


21,509 posts

289 months

Tuesday 5th July 2005
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All the wheels look pretty good..