Finavon Hotel - Sunday evening (15/05/05)

Finavon Hotel - Sunday evening (15/05/05)



Original Poster:

7,504 posts

249 months

Monday 16th May 2005
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Anybody here?

That maroon (?) S series was extremely nice.




10 posts

239 months

Thursday 19th May 2005
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Cheers Numptie, thanks for the compliment on my Burgandy S3.
A group of the NES TVRCC had stopped at the Finavon for some dinner on the way back up to Aberdeen from Microlighting at Perth Aerodrome. Fantastic day had by all at 2000ft. We finished up the day with 7 Tivs and one Microlight in front of the hanger for a photoshoot.


Original Poster:

7,504 posts

249 months

Friday 20th May 2005
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Apologies for getting the colour wrong.

It's actually a touchy subject with me (my Westfield is Lilac, not Purple !!! )

Myself and Murray (Corpulent Tosser) were on our way back from Kames where we'd competing in a sprint event all weekend (you might have noticed a Westfield and a Striker on trailers in the back carpark).

If we see you in there again, we'll noise you up.
