Aero airbox query

Aero airbox query



Original Poster:

17,369 posts

211 months

Wednesday 30th March 2022
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Ive just purchased a old 9-3 aero , it sounds like it's had a dump valve fitted ( which I don't want ) but I'm not sure where to look.


13,468 posts

179 months

Wednesday 30th March 2022
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You literally just need to buy the OEM airbox and filter from ebay or similar.


Original Poster:

17,369 posts

211 months

Wednesday 30th March 2022
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Whereabouts am i looking to see if its got a dump valve?


13,468 posts

179 months

Wednesday 30th March 2022
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it hasn't looking at that, thats the OEM valve. It will be the cone filter that is making the noise.


292 posts

164 months

Thursday 7th April 2022
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It does not have an open dump valve as its an air-mass system.
If there was air loss it would stall all the time.

Yes that hot air-intake needs to go. Loosing 4 to 5bhp there easy.