Old Saab Stuff

Old Saab Stuff



Original Poster:

1,146 posts

247 months

Sunday 20th December 2020
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I've just moved in to a new house. The next door neighbours are having a clear out. The lady that used to .ive there as PA/Secretary to Pat Moss?Eric Carlsson.
There's a lot of car stuff dumped on their drivway waitinf for the scrapman. A lot of it is Saab related and I believe there's a V4 engine kicking about.
I've seen some dampers and a load of old hubcaps with Saab and a plane logo embossed on them.
I can probably rescue these if anyone's interested.
Otherwise, can someone point me in the direction of the old Saab geezers?
I inherited 2 Allegro rear screens when I moved in a few weeks ago. Not as sexy I think!!

10126 Torino

4,621 posts

87 months

Sunday 20th December 2020
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Take the lot and list on Ebay , some obscure and old SAAB stuff get's a lot of interest .

griffin dai

3,221 posts

157 months

Monday 21st December 2020
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Most older bits will get snapped up


2,023 posts

239 months

Tuesday 22nd December 2020
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I have a former colleague who lives in that area and is affected by things SAAB, he might be interested.


2,023 posts

239 months

Tuesday 22nd December 2020
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Just had a word with him and he's definitely interested.


Original Poster:

1,146 posts

247 months

Tuesday 22nd December 2020
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I'll get over there before the scrapman turns up and sort/photograph everything.


Original Poster:

1,146 posts

247 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Sadly, I've left it too late. The scrapman's been & gone!


2,023 posts

239 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Thanks for the update, at least it doesn't mean his wife won't let me in the house (whenever we're allowed out again).