Key fob


trevor stern

Original Poster:

22 posts

198 months

Friday 10th July 2020
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My key fob for Saab 93 has a faulty opening button
I took it apart and the tiny button has broken it solder
It looks far too tiny for me to re solder
Are new fobs expensive, I only have one


3,365 posts

223 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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£55 plus a physical key (you could just transfer the one you tave) plus maybe £50 to get it programmed by your local Saab expert or someone on the forums with a TECH2


19 posts

54 months

Wednesday 15th July 2020
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I bought a new one from a guy called ‘Ron Saab Leeds’ on Facebook, he’s well known on the forums.

Supplied me a new key for £40 and had it coded in using tech2


278 posts

187 months

Friday 7th August 2020
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I went to a SAAB (Bell & Colvill ) and it was £99 for a new key and coding.

